Is it just me, Or did he look really good today?

Sep 10, 2010 22:55

Is it the tie? Or the way he's around ladies? First up, this pic:

So...putting the clues together...You are gonna do a show for NYPD under the statue of Liberty?

Fangirling Jon.

Girly Jon.

For more pics of Jon and John and Wyatt, pls check out My LJ Substitute, And pls tell me
if it works you ya...

I don't want to move my journals but it seems I have too. I'm going to try somewhere else. Because of the fact that my country
blocked most online albums so even if the blog, like wordpress is not blocked, I have a hard time uploading
any picture onto them. I think I have to do this on a local site after all.*sigh*.
LJ is too slow to load. I'm gonna put the links up every day here, so that it'll show up on friends page.
I'm finding a new place where it's pic friendly and you guys can comment without logging in..
Still trying to find the perfect place though.
So tell me what you all think about this new place, XD.


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