Vodka and pills!? I told you to stay out of my dad's earthquake kit!

Nov 20, 2007 22:24

So with my Learning test over with, I can update on the HUGE weekend.

Aight, so at like 5 on Friday I get a call from Shaka asking if I would want to bounce at the Moose that night since they needed people. I said maybe and he said he'd call back. I go to my 5:30 shift and get progressively more into the idea as I find out who's going out that night. Then at about 8:30 Shaka tells me the owner found someone. Lame. So i get off work at 10 and go home, only for Shaka to call again and say, and I quote, "If I call you back in 5 minutes can you be here in 10?" So I run over there and bounce (ie do wristbands for open bar) until 1, at which point i go downstair to be Bar Back (clean up behind the bar). The owner said I did better than anyone in a year and I made $50 from being tipped off, along with the other $50 I made at $8/hour. It was a good night. Left at 5, got Wendys, crashed at 6:30. And then...

Woke up at 10 to drive to Syracuse with Shaka to pick up Derick and Laura. Blew off the planned nap to hang out and get food and watch the Teen Wolf sound check, then people pre-gamed, the we went to the Rat at 9 for beer pong. Derick was drinking for me, which increased his intoxication immensely. He also decided that he was going to get into a fight, so him and Tawm were starting with EVERYONE. We eventually bailed to the Moose (but not before Tawm and Derick started up with people at Big Daddy's). Oh, we also decided that we were gonna beat up Colin Farrell when we go to LA. And Derick hit Shaka in the nuts twice, one funnier than the next. Teen Wolf was sweet also.

The next day I actually got sleep, then worked out and immediately got called to go to a diner. We did that (the waitress acted like Tawm was retarded, which he found HILARIOUS), then drove Derick and Laura back to Syracuse. 0 studying was accomplished and last I checked Shaka was 3 pages into the 10 pages paper that was due yesterday. Great weekend.

Watching Dreamgirls was a mistake. I hate going into movies not knowing they're musicals or with subtitles. (Dreamgirls doesn't have subtitles, but it's happened like that before.)

Home tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Not sure what's going on. The only tentative plans are some movie with Sam. I also want to try and see Saw 4 or 30 Days of Night at the Palisades, so if anyone is down that'd be good to know.

They just keep singing in this movie. For 130 minutes. Damn it.

Don't be sad. She's in a better place. ...actually she's in the freezer. Because of the odor.
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