Back at schoolio. Gym training sucked like it has sucked every semester before, so nothing new there. Went back downstate this past weekend for a good ole wrasslin' show in NYC, after which we were denied access to a lesbian bar (if you hadn't already heard). That hurt. "Equal" rights. Fooled around in the city until about 4 (being 21 is fun) and then drove Sam back to Westchester and then us down to Rockland to Waterman's house. Crashed at 6, woke up at 3, got Chinese buffet and went to see Superbad again. Then Summerslam and driving back to Binghamton, getting in at 1:30. Crashed at 2, woke up to open the gym at 5 and was remarkably awake. The girl I open with remembers me as the guy who won the "Always Eating on Shift" award, which is sweet. Worked until 10:30, worked out, napped until 6. Good times. And "Ladies and Gentlemen" is my new favorite song for so many reasons.
The newest piece of technology to be fukkkked seems to be my car, as evidenced by the sounds coming from my back tires/axel. It's like something is dragging on the pavement, but nothing is, so it must be something against the wheel. I should get it checked out, but I need my car. And I will eventually run out of money.
Halloween on Friday, suckas.
My movie watching has dropped off considerably, so hopefully it'll rebound. Wait, that's not true. Watched Shooter, the Hitcher, and Identity this weekend. And half of Raging Bull tonight.
I'm not coming home for Rosh Hassonah (still don't know how to spell that). Colin and Caitlin are coming up and the gym is still going to be open and no one is a) around and b) doing anything in Westchester, so I'm not driving 3 hours in my broken car for that.
These are posters that are being ordered to increase the awesomeness of the apartment. If the links don't work, just understand that they're awesome. The last one just seems fun.
Oh, and I've started the big weight gain mission. You'll be posted.
Because right now, this is a job. If I advance any higher, this would be my career. And if this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in front of a train.