This is gonna be a long one....

Jan 03, 2005 02:16

I know that it has been forever since I've written in here and believe me its not because my life has been uneventful... its been eventful in some areas that i wish it would not be... but what can you do about that. So i've been doing lots of thinking recently especially with the events of this past week, turing 21 and new years. Like everyone else i feel the need to recap 2004 specifically and generally...

Generally first, 2004 was the year that i discovered who my true/real friends are and that no matter what i know that i have someone there for me. You guys mean so much to me i dont think i could of made it through this year without you guys. Thank you so much! 2004 i discovered more about who i really am and to relax and go with things instead of being so uptight about things. 2004 was an emotional rollarcoaster between the break ups, the fights with friends, being sick, grandparents being sick almost deathly at points, coming to grips with myself and relationships (perhaps lack thereof which is not neccessarily a bad thing), volleyball (dont think i need to say more about that one), the holidays and my brithday. I've realized that even if you believe that if stuff can't get any worse, you will get nowhere and be unable to continue on. Hope is the bright side that gets you through very difficult situations especailly when you think it cannot get any worse. 2004 was an important year for me, I think that my priorities are in line now not because I wanted them to be like that but because of how situations have played out. Overall, I'd have to say that the end of 2004 (like the last 10 days of December) has shifted my feelings about 2004 from the worse year to it being a very rocky year ending on a great note.


January 2004

Dating Brian, spending lots of time with him, neglecting my friends that were home from college for break. Starting the Winter semster of my sophormore year. My grandma turned 78. Working at Tall girl and coaching. spreading myself as thinly as possible trying to do as much as i could.

Feburary 2004

Broke up with Brian because i realized after talking with a "friend" that i wasnt happy and trying to make myself be. Valentines day came and went. There was some excitement with a new guy (he will remain nameless). turned out i got hurt. coaching wrapped up. I was still running myself crazy with early mornings for volleyball class and late night becuase of working and then doing homework. There was drama with my friends and ex boyfriend.

March 2004

Busy with school, morning class, working. Symptoms of mono were around.

April 2004

AAU coaching started. Diagonised with mono. had to sit around and do nothing for 2 weeks. I went crazy and actually realized how much i really was doing. Brother turned the big 1-8.

To be continued....
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