(no subject)

Dec 14, 2012 20:36

Name: Tony | That Damn Monster
Personal Journal: was over @ venomized | no longer active
AIM | backsideofthetv
Plurk | theavarice
Timezone: Eastern Standard; Boston, MA

Current Characters: None, zip, nada.

Character Name: Greed
Character Journal: nestingdevil
Canon: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Canon Point: After the second untimely demise at the end of the series.
Canon Building: The Devil's Nest; Here

The 'Nest is Greed's personal hide out when he's introduced and it's the bar he calls home. His original gang came from here and it's probably one of the most important places to him. It's where everything first went south.

It's a dive-bar on the bad side of town; two floors to be seen from the street with a large basement that connects to a sewer below. Plenty of exits, probably because the man isn't exactly the most ... virtuous thing to ever be made.

The Devil's Nest is composed of brick, concrete, and wood. Think your good-old biker bar and you probably have it down pretty right. Once the building's in town, Greed will reside there - gathering things, people, etc to fill it up again.

History: Here

Greed has the atmosphere of a person that just does not give a fuck, to put it frank. He wants it all - money, power, status, women, sex. To quote, "He wants the finer things in life." But despite his avarice, Greed has a very friendly demeanor - all smiles that welcome each and every person into his arms. Well, for the most part anyway. He comes off very frank and he's not afraid to show people who he is. The attention he gets, the feeling he gets - that is what matters to him. Status doesn't just mean money and power (though as I said previously, those are important too) - people matter. What they think of him matters - how they act around him matters. Everything is a possession for Greed and that is how he lives his life.

He's a care free kind of guy, sends his anxiety to the wind kind of guy. But he'll be the first to claim someone if they're loyal and once he's done that, he's there for life. Or as long as said person lasts. Greed does things his own way and he has no intention of following orders or rules. He'll break them as soon as he gets that spark of want, need - which is to say, he'll be quick to turn tail from law and order at the drop of a hat.

If one happens to get on his bad side, he can be vicious. But he has no intention of harming "women and people with loved ones." He'll spare a foe if they turn around and walk the other way. But if they continue to threaten his things, he'll stop at nothing to bring said offender down. And he does it with class and style.

Greed is also vain - as vain as he can be. His "ultimate shield" comes with the price and that price is less elegance than he's comfortable with. When he first shows off his ace-in-the-hole to the elder Elric brother, he even states that his shield form "isn't flattering."

Seems Greed also has a soft spot for outcasts, as seen with his taking in of the chimera from Lab 5. God help the outcasts all right - and Greed is the very man to do so.

Imported Character History: None

➥ ABILITIES Greed is "immortal." That doesn't mean he can't die exactly, because that was proven false over and over again in Brotherhood. But he has an amazing ability to regenerate. He also doesn't seem to age at all - at 200, he looks at the most in his mid-to-late twenties. He also possesses the Ultimate Shield ability - it's a shell over his skin made out of carbon and seems to be as hard as diamond ( not to be too cliche) - he seems to be able to harden on command, but sometimes the shield comes up involuntarily, as seen when he possesses Ling in his first fight with Wrath in the prince's body.
➥ SKILLS Greed's got some hand-to-hand combat skills, but he doesn't have any sort of "technique." He's good on the defense and fast on his feet. It doesn't look as if he had any formal training.
➥ TALENTS He's a great talker.

First Person Sample:
[Snap, crackle, pop. It sounds like a spine's being readjusted, the grinding of bones falling back into place. Then a sigh - long winded and exaggerated. Two foot falls follow and they're crisp, cut -]

[ - sharp. ] Well, that wasn't very nice.

[Feed picks up a curved boot heel - one that seems to rocket right up and cut the dark. It rises and falls, picks up a slow beat and the owner? Hums low in his throat.] Eh-

[From crooked boots to a crooked smile, the recording catches more of the newly-arrived guest. Hair that spikes at points, eyes hidden under a pair of dark-round shades. Fur-cuffed leather vest that fans out and spirals around a thick throat.]

[And teeth. Horribly and terribly sharp; sliced-cut that could be akin to a shark's. They snap together, line in a nice row that pulls at a pair of lips.] Should I even know where this is on a map?

[But there's no one to answer in the dark. Wherever the man - creature - is, he's in a place with little light. Maybe a flicker here or there of some faulty wiring from above. But that doesn't seem to bother him the slightest. Instead, he moves to stand - pushes a butt of a heel into the back of his skull and cricks it to the left, then the right.]

Ha-! Well, I'll say this much - I'm certainly surprised.

[But now, he's staring down at the feed. Least, it seems so. Hard to gauge with those black panes of glass making sockets out of his eyes. He quirks a brow right up - a gesture that could have been innocent had his smile had less of a Cheshire's flavor to it.] - oh? Now, what's all this about?

[Lift of the recording and the man places a hand to his chest. Let's his fingers crawl up, hook into a collar bone. And a sliver of lighting catches in his shades; sends them stark silver.]

A recording huh? Well - if you just tuned in, the name's Greed. [He dips low - incredibly low. Bends over the curve of his hips and brings his shoulders up as he mock-bows and gestures with a swing of his other arm.]

- And I'd like to be your friend.

Third Person Sample:

*mandalus app

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