
Jul 01, 2012 22:10

Meme answer. Jesus christ.
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chose_death July 8 2012, 04:08:07 UTC
"Didn't you hear the final bargain?" said Javert with an cool lilt and a tilt of his jaw. "You were off the table. I bet only myself."

Before Naomi had a chance to respond to that new revelation, Javert swept into the Nest, stepping aside to let his wife through ahead of him. His gait was slow, confident. He was astoundingly comfortable and sure of himself in such a smoke-laden pit that positively reeked the mantra, Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll. He met Greed's eye at the familiar greeting, and again the flood of remembered sensations came back to him in the form of a spark in font of his nose.

Good God, this creature was truly timeless. His smooth and handsome face had not aged a day, where Javert's, which had never been young even as a lad, sprouted deeper crevices with the ravages of time.

"You? Unfamiliar with la fée verte?" said Javert as he slid over the bar. He locked eyes - or rather, eyes with sunshades -- with the deadly Sin. His hand wrapped around the putrid grin drink, slipping it back and forth between thumb and forefinger. "You're well-practiced in proper preparation. Yet you hint ignorance."

Javert considered his drink carefully, and a smirk played at his lip.

"Absinthe is a bold choice. Tell me, how quickly do you expect to knock us to the floor, with this strategy?"


scientize July 8 2012, 14:29:43 UTC
The beautiful woman's dark eyes flicked up to her husband's aged face in surprise at that little revelation, but she doesn't leap at the chance to press him for more information. Not yet anyway. Naomi will just be saving that inquiry for another evening. Tonight was about drawing Javert out of moody funk.

The Devil's Nest was unusually quiet and empty as the married couple strode swiftly inside, giving the establishment a completely different feel than normal. While it was full, the Nest was teaming with liveliness, fun, and a healthy dose of mischief. Though Greed himself played a large role in that particular atmosphere, the bellowing laughter of the men reconnecting over a pint and the sharp curses of those being swindled in pool certainly played their own significant part. With the room empty and the lights dim, the Nest gave off an ominous, almost haunted feeling. Not even Greed's appearance, sauntering confidentially with that shark grin of his, could erase the slight prickling at the back of the woman's neck.

But she shrugged it off, squeezing Javert's arm affectionately before stepping further inside. Her laughter rang sweetly, eyes twinkling at the man behind the counter as the pair slipped up to the bar counter. "And right after I get through telling him I won't end up as tanked as I was last time." But she smiled anyway, drawing the offered drink closer for a better look. Though Naomi certainly had never turned down a drink before in her life, Absinthe wasn't something the petite woman had ever experienced before. Not that she was concerned, of course. She trusted her husband to sling her over his broad shoulder again if this was too much for her. Despite how often she indulged, Naomi would always be a bit of a lightweight.

"Trying to make a liar out of me, Greed?" she ribbed good-naturedly, turning to shoot her husband a smile.

"Well? Am I allowed? Or do you want to wait to get me alone before I overindulge?"


nestingdevil July 8 2012, 15:26:48 UTC
"You're both so quick to make me a liar and scoundrel. I'm hurt, really." Greed took his own poison, gripped it tight and clicked his nails on the surface. He hummed, touched his lips with the sinful drink and took a swig. Sticky liquid dribbled down his chin - that was flicked away with the edge of his thumb. "I can't say I remember it - maybe a few years ago. I think the drink used to be popular." Small details; maybe he remembered them, maybe he didn't. He'd play coy just the same.

Greed placed his Absinthe-soaked thumb into his mouth. Teased it on dangerous teeth, then sucked it dry. The bar was a little eerie without the usually faces crowding its walls. It was like a desert, dry and silent. The fan spun on its axis, whirled a faint breeze inside that graced the walls, moved the lighter of the furnishes around in a kicked-up breeze. The lights buzzed something awful, the hallways flickered with bad wiring. All the ugliness that the 'Nest provided could be seen plain and stark to the naked eye without its people there.

But Greed didn't seem to mind.

"So, you're here for the usual. A night on the town and you two land yourselves here. Sorry for the lack of company - I had planned to shut down early. Apparently, there is a holiday going on or something." He took another taste of his drink before setting the sweating glass down on the bar. He leaned in for a look at the two - something was up with the Chief, that was certain. Like there was something bubbling at the surface. All the accusations aside, Javert was actually speaking to him with smirks and wiles. Like he had something planned.

It was intriguing.

"I can entertain you two for a while, whatever you'd like. But I think pool is out this time," he stated matter-of-fact. He settled into a corner of his bar, popped open a little cabinet. Removed a length of cigar and placed it into the corner of his mouth. Sank teeth into the tightly-packed leaves. The lighter was out again and he clicked it open. His other hand went to the side of the cigar and he began rolling it across the flame, puffing it into a cherry red. Acrid smoke burned in his throat, slid into the open air of the bar, and was swept up by the fan.


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