May 29, 2012 20:43

KEY | ♠ friend | ♚ possession | ♛ employee | ❤ love | ♞ wants | ♦ hate | ☢ enemy | ☣ canon mate | ♣ neutral
Rikku was the first gal who graced Greed's door when he arrived. Showed him out of the hospital and promised friendship without too much prodding. She's got spunk and a body that Greed can appreciate - she's promised him a beach party and he has readily accepted.
| @catchesgrenades
INARA ♠♞♛ ♚❤

Beautiful woman who asked for some companionship - Greed likes Inara, likes her a lot. He visited her when she went live with her need and offered her a chance to forget about the friends she'd lost. She has taken up his proposal to work for The Devil's Nest.
| @madeofsunlight
Rin and Greed clicked after some network chit chat and Rin readily showed off his abilities, much to Greed's pleasure. The kid's a spunky one and he's got Greed's attention.
| @pinnedbangs
GABRIEL ♠♞♛ ♚ ❤

An angel of the lord according to his claims, Gabriel's the proof of Greed's favorite catch phrase: "There's no such thing as no such thing." The two hit it off well with drinks, and Gabe's offered his services at the 'Nest once in a while. Greed has his eyes set on the angel for other reasons.
| @trickster_mk2
Lovely doctor with a nice set of assets. Naomi and her husband came to the 'Nest once and Greed has liked them ever since. Naomi is everything Greed would like in a gal of his own, but she's smitten with her husband. And that's fine.
| @scientize
Cool customer from the old times. Javert is a master and he follows Greed's tango with the grace of a practiced 'gent. As expected. Greed finds him terribly interesting, especially since he lost a little gamble to the man. He feeds him information - whatever Javert does with it is up to him. And it's no skin off Greed's back.
| @chose_death

As close to a friend that Greed has had besides The Devil's Nest Gang, Ed has seen all parts of him. While he's not privy to what happened on The Promised Day, Ed provides an anchor for unfinished business back home. He's currently working for Greed at the 'Nest.
| @nervetonotkill

Donna needed some cheering up, so Greed offered her some forget-mes at the bar. Drinks turned to a different tune. She's got a spit-fire temper and Greed enjoys her company.
| @noblexcompanion

A vampire with as much desire and want as Greed has. They met courtesy of Greed's show on the network. After a drink or two, the both of them exchanged unholy vows. Blood for blood, as it were.
| @destenebres

One of the first people Greed met in town. Nice gal, though she seems to have her own reservations. Greed has invited her down to the 'Nest if not to get a better relationship going. Besides, he has to patch up some of the damage he's done since he blew his skull off on the network.
| @sunnyworks

Gabriel warned Greed about Castiel and the homunculus did not take his advice. During the 4th of July, Greed had a very interesting conversation with the more reserved of the two angels. He found they had more in common than was once believed. Still unsure of him, Greed's got Castiel on his radar.
| @and_idrankit
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/kessuru/Asterfall/Site/Backgrounds/023-1.jpg">http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/117735251/50516231" src="http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/117735251/50516231" >EDWARD ELRIC ♠♛ ♚
As close to a friend that Greed has had besides The Devil's Nest Gang, Ed has seen all parts of him. While he's not privy to what happened on The Promised Day, Ed provides an anchor for unfinished business back home. He's currently working for Greed at the 'Nest.
| @

*ooc, *relationships

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