Sep 16, 2020 19:37
Went past it today. I'm ashamed to think I ever went into the foul place. Covid has shown it for what it is.
Sainsbury’s Hitlers enter fully
Into the scheme of ‘harass and bully’.
Sainsbury’s hates the human face.
Zombies only allowed in this place.
Sainsbury’s hates to see you with friends:
One at a time, or their tolerance ends.
Sainsbury’s gauleiters make you stew
For hours in a shambling, grovelling queue.
Human friends, for God’s sake drop
Your habit of using this foul zombie shop.
Sainsbury's does its job so well,
I'd rather go and shop in Hell.
God, God, how I hate the foul devils who have created the hell we are living in now. I used to be against the death penalty, now I think it's too good them. Perhaps even for the innumerable petty Beelzebubs who scuttle about fulfilling their filthy commands. Is there an induction course for hangmen? If so it's going to be over-subscribed when our revenge comes.