Devil worship

Jul 19, 2020 18:28

Yes, my friends, there is worse than NHS worship about. That's almost impossible to believe, given that the NHS has already slaughtered about 35,000 cancer sufferers from neglect, as well as condemning thousands of helpless old people to a premature and lonely death and cutting off the dying from their loved ones and ... well, nausea prevents me from continuing.

But the really sinister new religion is Covid worship. I am not alone in this opinion: it's been studied by psychologists who have studied the evil cults that trouble the West from time to time. But never has there been a cult as evil as this one, and never has any evil religion been so widespread, with its hideous grip on almost every country in Europe and many beyond.

The Covid religion is savage, intolerant and persecuting. Its ministers are all those in authority, everywhere, at every level. There are no dissenters: supreme evil starts with governments and permeates every circle of the Covid hell. Unbelievers are mercilessly hounded; believers are kept in a state of perpetual grovel by unremitting terror propaganda. There is nothing, literally nothing, that a full-blown Covizombie will not do to propitiate his god, so long as his god will leave him a bare existence. It can't be called a life, since everything that makes life worth living has been sucked out of Covizombie existence. Now they are even deleting their faces, and expecting us to delete ours. No way, you less than the brutes, you horrible bullies, you vile dregs of the lowest orders of creation, you filthy faeces of Satan.

For easy remembrance, I append the Ten Commandments of Covidism:

1. I am Covid thy God and thy disease: thou shalt have none other diseases but me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any hospital treatment, or take any action against any pain or suffering that may be visited on any. Thou shalt not concern thyself with them, nor heal them: for I Covid thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the sufferings of non-Covid patients on them and on their relatives unto the third and fourth generation of them that love them.
3. Remember that thou art filthy and vile. Thou shalt cover thy face.
4. Remember the NHS, and clap it wholly.
5. Isolate thy grandfather and thy grandmother, that their misery and loneliness may be long in the hell that I thy Covid God have created for them.
6. Thou shalt believe every lie that is fed to thee.
7. Thou shalt not smile.
8. Thou shalt live in a state of perpetual terror because of my Second Wave.
9. Thou shalt bear false witness against thy neighbour.
10. Thou shalt not think, thou shalt not hope, thou shalt not sing, thou shalt not dance, thou shalt not visit a library, nor a theatre, nor a cinema, nor a church, nor shalt thou do anything that thou mightiest conceivably enjoy.

If you are in despair, thinking that you and I are the only sane individuals left in this Covidhell, take hope and visit We are many, and shall soon be a multitude.
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