Hoo, another semester begins. Can't say I'm looking forward to going back, but I had a very nice break in which I got snowed in for a few days, went to Dallas, and even got to visit
burningvigor and
lacidiana for several days. Thanks for having me over, Court! And thank you, Erin, for being kind enough to drive me around LA, and then letting me stay at your place that last night. ♥
After I got back from my visit, I mostly lounged around and acted lazy. Got a bunch of Tales of Vesperia playing done. I'm still at the final stages of the game, but I suspect I'll be done soon. Then I can work on finishing P4, and then I can start on Kingdom Hearts, lololol.
All in all, I had a fantastic break, really, so I can't complain about going back. Here's hoping this semester won't be as difficult as last year's, hahah. I just have one semester left, so that's good. On the other hand, I just have one semester left, so sometimes it's hard to feel motivated about class. But I've been really good about getting all As the past couple of semesters, so part of me wants to keep that up.
I need to start my application for the FALCON program really soon, wow.