Nov 18, 2008 18:26
LOL, considering how much time I spend logged onto LJ, it's kind of bizarre how I hardly update it. >: I guess I'm more interested in checking my flist and leaving comments than, like, telling everyone what I'm up to, HAHAH.
I'm happy to say all the health stuff I babbled about last time turned out not to be serious. It was kind of worrisome since it took them a second CAT scan to figure out what the heck it was. Don't really feel like getting into details since it'd probably be TMI anyway. BUT YES. NOT CANCER. THAT IS GOOD. 8D
I guess another reason I haven't updated much is 'cause I've been in a dark place the past couple of months, what with getting adjusted to being back home, rl drama with friends, not being sure about my major, and things like that. Thankfully, I managed to buck it up and change my major to East Asian studies, and then I got advised today. Just need to sit down and clear up some credits that I got abroad and sign up for the rest of my classes, and I'll be set.
Although I'm bitter about some things right now, I'm starting to realize I have a lot to feel optimistic about, too. I'm hoping it'll be enough to carry me through the rest of the semester.
And now I should probably go wash some dishes before heading to class. 8D;; I always pick the worst times to write this kind of crap, pshh.
real life,
jansen is ridiculous