I'm really glad the weekend's here, even though I have a feeling I'll be spending most of it studying/doing work so I can have Monday free. 'Cause, uh, yeah, I'm totally gonna be buying First Departure when it comes out. *SO EXCITED*
But I have to miss class that day, so I might have work to do anyway. D:
Health stuff here )
And thanks. xD:; I'm glad to hear it wasn't anything too serious for your brother. (but, SNAPS, an endoscopy AND colonoscopy? ;_;) They used a lot of technical medical jargon in describing what was wrong, but it sounded like it was one of my kidneys? So I think they'll likely just be doing some scans on me to figure out what it is. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts, though. xD;; I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too. I'm not in serious pain, so hopefully the problem itself won't be so bad either.
YEAH I GOTTA STUDY FOR THE NEXT TEST, but if I can pull another B on that one, I'll be satisfied. 8D;;
AND DUDE. Heroes! I've been meaning to ask about that. I've actually got the next couple of eps, if you've got time? Actually, maybe I should just message you about this, hahah.
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