Mar 17, 2004 22:33
so i miss my stupid friend that i used to talk to all the time about pretty much everything she went away will hopefully be back soon? the email i use is no longer valid =/ so im perplexed (woohoo big word).....stupid meeting at work went til 530 tonite was supposed to be before work stupid micheal was late so i made him buy me coffee =) we took the mail to the post office and jaime came running up and jumped on micheal knocking him over it was funny as hell...talked (yes actually talked as soem of u will be shocked we do that in my house) to my cousin bout soem stuff today we are moving in augest not sure if she will buy or we will rent somewhere else but we need to be able to have a dog or dogs (prefer the dogs part).....i think im sick again blah fuckin stomach issue i to find a doctor soon i cant go throguh this again its to hard to do it by myself but they always want to put me on those damn meds and i cant stand the thought of it again....hmmmmmmmmm im avoiding my family and everyone in illinois im not sure y i just dont wanna get pulled into anything there i dont want to deal with a lot that comes from mom called today though she wants to ask my dad to buy a house with her in the ozarks (maybe?) and move there just the 3 of them (my sister too) mind u they have been divorced for 2 years (again maybe?) but she wnats to sell her house and his and move and still be bale to date other people....and people wonder y im strange lol look at the people i grew up with omg blah....oh yeah happy st patricks day!!! ohhh and happy birthday to my papa and to jena.....i have a headache and some atrange pounding thing goin on with my foot hmm wonder if thats bad lol well im gonna go do soem shots with my cousn i guess....have fun