Jun 10, 2008 03:38
so its 3:40 in the morning before my graduation and i can't fall asleep. Not because of graduation but because of the heeeaaattt. It is quite hot. Oh and the fact that my body is incredibly sore.
My body is sore because sunday i went over to Alex's lake house (where we are all basically going to live this summer...so pumped) and we went tubing...and Alex tried really hard to flip us over. So much fun though. hung out with everyone and it finally felt like summer. it's gunna be great. but oh yea after everyone left it was just be and Alex and his family so his dad convinced me to go out again...and that was a mistake haha. i didn't fall off. but oh man am i bruised up. My elbow is puffy and purple and my shoulders are sooo tight.
but yea. it was fun. it was nice to just drive around aimlessly with Alex that night in a convertible. It was perfect weather and wicked relaxing.
I probably should go to bed though considering i'm going to the school breakfast thing in the morning then have rehearsal and shiz.