So I decided to turn on Sanctuary, and am currently watching "Hero." I forgot how awesomely ridiculous this opening sequence is. Will possibly be editing this post with random thoughts while I watch.
Also, I know it's not specifically a Will/Kate moment, but I love their convo after the opening credits where she's watching Will getting his ass kicked and laughing about it, and Will is pouting/in pain. Love it.
LOL FOREVER at Will getting queasy at the green goo. And Kate looks so wonderfully disinterested in what Henry's saying.
...I want ice cream. Riiiiiiiight as Declan comes across cat remains. Yum.
Aww, Will, that was not very nice. "He's kinda hard to miss."
Also, thinking that Magnus and Will are super villains who kidnapped him to experiment on him is...not that far off, right? They might not be super villains, but aren't they experimenting on him?
Kate punching her brother in greeting is hilarious.
Hahahahahahaha. Will's face while talking to Walt is hilarious. Seriously, Will. As soon as he mentioned comic books, you shoulda gotten Henry.
This conversation between Henry and Will is pretty hilarious. Henry's expression when he says "You got played." And the Big Guy is very disgruntled when Walt escapes. Henry: "He couldn't use the door?" I forgot how quippy they are.
Love how Magnus moves back after Walter says he's got x-ray vision.
This "Getting the suit off walter" scene is ridiculous. But I love it.
Distracted by ice cream. Fave part of the ep in the mean time: Henry and Walter talking about hero catchphrases. It's so delightfully nerdy.
And I didn't realize until now that there's a pretty awesome Kate moment in there. I mean, among the many other awesome Kate moments in this ep. I like how at the beginning of the ep she doesn't look like she's paying attention to what Henry's telling her, but when she's in there later with Constantine, she picks up on how to work the machinery in there pretty easily. So either she picks up tech stuff well or she committed whatever it was Henry told her to memory and pulled it out for later use. Either way, great work under pressure Kate!
So basically, I love this episode. I like Henry's pouting about Walter writing a comic book and using Henry's line, Kate/Magnus's conversation in the hallway and how surprised Kate looks when Magnus says they're moving her somewhere more permanent and how smiley Magnus is when she's telling Kate this. That entire scene between them is just really, really nice.