Sep 09, 2009 09:29
I got no time need to leave for lab in 5min.
Had renal infection. Or kidney infection. Advanced UTI yo! Which was the reason for the intense pain I experienced in the middle of the night last week! One jab a day for 5 days. That was rather painful grr. I'm fine now and dousing myself in cranberries.
I don't like --. Seriously. Her voice is uber whiney (and omg I actually think it's NATURAL?!). Can't believe she's back to haunt me! Like what are the odds right. *shudders*
English Channel at The Clay Oven today! It's the best shits. Won't even attempt to describe it - I know I'll do a poor job. I'll take photos then post it up so everyone can oooh at its delightfulness. :D
This took more than 5 min oh no! okay bye.