30 days of Games of Thrones - 02

Jun 17, 2011 11:48

Day 01 ~ Favourite character from book/show.

Day 02 ~ Favourite quote relating to GoT.

Day 03 ~ Where would you want to live in the GoT world?

Day 04 ~ Favourite house? (ie. Stark, Lannister).

Day 05 ~ Who do you ship?

Day 06 ~ Picture or gif that expresses your reaction to the show.

Day 07 ~ Link to a fanvid you like.

Day 08 ~ Favourite moment in book/movie.

Day 09 ~ Least favourite character.

Day 10 ~ If you had a direwolf, what would you name it?

Day 11 ~ Three words that describe GoT.

Day 12 ~ If there was a crossover … who would you ship?

Day 13 ~ Would you join the Night’s Watch?

Day 14 ~ Who do you think Jon Snow’s parents are?

Day 15 ~ FREE DAY

Day 16 ~ Make a graphic advertising GoT.

Day 17 ~ Link to an interview you think is funny.

Day 18 ~ What Stark would you be?

Day 19 ~ Invent a character that would fit in GoT.

Day 20 ~ What’s the most interesting thing about GoT?

Day 21 ~ Link to a GoT-based blog.

Day 22 ~ Make a graphic of your favourite ship.

Day 23 ~ Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime: Marry, fuck, throw off a cliff - what would you do?

Day 24 ~ Who would you like to see battle it out?

Day 25 ~ What character’s death would you be okay with?

Day 26 ~ Give yourself a GoT inspired name.

Day 27 ~ Top 5 favourite characters.

Day 28 ~ Give some advice to one of the characters.

Day 29 ~ Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones?

Day 30 ~ Favourite book/episode.

"What do we say to the God of Death?"
"Not today."
                                                 Syrio Forel e Arya Stark, The pointy end

"Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand northerners marching South to find out if he really does shit gold"

Robb Stark, The pointy end

meme, quotes, a song of ice and fire, games of thrones

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