Plea From A Cat Named Virtute

Oct 25, 2005 19:57

Two days until my birthday!

Quiz Time.

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.
At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.
When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.
Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.
You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.
The Birth Order Predictor

You Are A: Turtle!

These reptiles, famous for their hard outer shells, spent their days roaming for food and relaxing in the water. As a turtle you are not very speedy, nor are you soft and cuddly. You tend to hide in your shell and you aren't much of a sprinter, but you are quite tough. You also happen to be as cute as you are fascinating.

You were almost a: Bear Cub or a Kitten
You are least like a: Squirrel or a PuppyCute Animal Quiz!

What kind of writing utensil are you?
You are insane. You need to see a shrink.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.


Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time)
And it takes something big to distract you!
How Observant Are You?
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