(no subject)

Mar 02, 2010 14:20

And now that I think about it, the idiot also put an Infantry in range of an Anti-Air Tank earlier. At least the bait, if it was that, had some basis in that it was threatening to capture a precious City but really, ONE of the players was an idiot to begin with, which one depends on whether or not the War Tank had the Infantry covered. Either the Infantry is freely attacked with no consequence, or ignoring it for that moment would have been a LOT more practical. That's what's wrong with baiting AA Tanks in the first place: they're easily the cheapest thing that can even TOUCH air units.

Hey. I just remembered a post by a friend that criticized Battalion Wars 2's Skirmish mode. The general issue was getting only one AA unit, if that, that was easily killed. And that's even if it had to do too many things. Wouldn't surprise me if camping gets overencouraged.

And I want it going on record that I am practical, not overdefensive. But Days of Ruin still has FTA issues all the same.

Example? I played said friend on Pauper (the AWBW custom map, but without the FTA counter infantry). First match, I was P1, and I rushed BOTH Factories, albeit passively, but that is excusable given that I was playing a HUMAN PLAYER. I ended up advantaged and I only had to micromanage then, with a Medium Tank and AA Tanks to keep the east area under control, and a Brenner Bike and some stuff to punch through on the south. (Yeah, COs are imbalanced. Bikes don't help matters when they become even harder to OHK and don't even cost much, which makes Joining (due to their availability for quickly capturing properties) and even City repair a JOKE.) Oh, but I forgot about the center front. No I didn't, it takes too long to move that way just for some Cities I could wait later for. Meanwhile, I have an easy time reinforcing both fronts if necessary. He yielded on Day 12.

However, in the rematch, where I was P2, I got crushed. I did mess up by forgetting to CO the south front Bike. However, the friend didn't even need to CO anything whatsoever. And while it would have been wiser to go for the north front Factory, if I didn't put up a fight on the south front, my HQ would inevitably get overrun. But since the guy was continously keeping me from touching his good stuff, I ended up needing more units to stop the aggression there and I still ended up having to yield because my HQ area's front doors were under attack and I couldn't fight back any more. My luck on the north front wasn't much better either, he was again keeping me from getting his good stuff and wasn't having an overly hard time gutting me repeatedly.
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