So, don't get me wrong. Im not some crazy environmentalist who wanst everyone to recycle everything all the time.
Although I do think certain things are important, like keeping the earth as clean as possible, keeping the trash in your car until you reach a garbage can instead of throwing it out your window as you are rolling down the freeway.
If you live in Michigan, you know exactly what Im talking about.
What you do today can affect you tomorrow and I dont think people take that saying as seriously as they should.
I found some really easy and inexpensive ways to Go Green and save the environmentt you live in and around.
The first will actually GIVE you money for you recycling: The average american household has three cell a drawer. Take your old cell phones and go to you can sell it to them and they will refurbish and repair it to resell to someone else.
Buy your produce from local farms. In some places this may be hard, but in Michigan Mijers sells all Michigan grown produce :]
Turn off the lights when you leave the room or anything else that gives off light.
Make sure you twist the knobs on you faucets and showers all the way off, drips can add up to 74 gallons of wasted water a day. It can also save you $30 a year.
Use your dishwasher if you have one. It saves alot more water then doing all those loads by hand. Besides who REALLY wants to do them all by hand?
Store paint cans upside down. [with the top on obviously] It actually last longer because all the solvent doesnt rush to the bottom and stick there.
More later~