“Now pay attention, you will need to memorize this.” Slughorm tapped the bricks behind the Leaky Cauldron that opened to Diagon Alley. His six charges were temporarily too stunned to speak. Before them people were strolling in and out of enchanted shops, children screaming out to their parents because they wanted this or the other. They followed Slughorn deeper into the street and slowly they regained the ability to think properly. Lucinda had lingered behind a shop. Looking up she read ‘Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions’. Looking back down her eyes were transfixed on a gorgeous silver dress complete with flowing robes. Touching her cheek she felt a bit of moisture.
“Beautiful aren’t they?” Slughorn spoke behind her.
“I have never seen anything like it” she whispered. She felt so silly. Why was she getting so sentimental about clothes?
“Come on inside, this is where we get your school robes as well.” Placing a hand on her shoulder, he led her inside where the others were waiting in line. Madam Malkin’s assistants were working to their fullest capacity and Slughorn was relieved that his group were well behaved enough that they wouldn’t run around like the others.
“We have so much to do…how will we get it done in one day ?” Damion asked, a bit fidgety since he didn’t like closed up rooms like this one; especially if they were this full.
“Technically, we only have two locations to visit.” Slughorn yawned, deciding it was best to sit down while he waited, after all, he was getting on in years. “After the lot of you are fitted, we’ll go and get your wands. Your books and supplies have already been acquired and are already at the school….Oh for Merlin’s sake, what’s taking so long?!” Despite his cheerful disposition he was not a morning person and he sort of snapped at one of the assistants.
“Terribly sorry, Professor, but Madam is attending to Mr. Malfoy’s son and apparently the fabric wasn’t to his…liking.” Sabrina raised an eyebrow along with Lucinda and both of them giggled. while the rest looked confused as to why anyone would complain about such a thing.
“He must be allergic to the fabric…right?” Alina asked, looking at the fabrics around her. The assistant chuckled softly.
“Muggleborn, Professor?” Slughorn shrugged, not really answering since it wasn’t really any of her business but he didn’t appear cross about it. At that moment a temperamental swing of a curtain was heard and out stepped Lucius Malfoy, clearly going through “shopping for school supplies” stress. Though he had calmed down a bit since the fall of the Dark Lord, he was still prone to fits of stress just like any other parent. Lucinda watched him as if hypnotized. Lucius ran a hand through his hair trying to smooth out his appearance, oblivious that the little girl staring at him.
“Do you think we can get started on fitting my party?” Slughorn asked suddenly. The patience he had earlier was gone when he realized what Miss Miri was doing. Not waiting for an answer he urged the group along to separate fitting rooms, ignoring the calls of protest from parents who had been waiting first. Lucinda, or Luci as she was sometimes called by her friends; too much of her annoyance, was trying to resist Slughorn’s pushing. A quick swat to the backside corrected her and she walked into the fitting room. In an effort to clear the path for others, Slughorn made his way back to the counter.
“Who was that?” Lucius sort of crept up behind him. Slughorn would have elbowed him if he hadn’t been too tired.
“Lucius! I have a good mind to hex you for that.” Slughon said; Lucius chuckled and turned to face his former teacher.
“You wouldn’t hex your favorite student now would you?” Apparently Lucius didn’t know how to turn off the charm.
“Who do you think you’re talking to? The head of Gryffindor house? You should remember full well what I would or wouldn’t do.” Lucius had to admit to that and graciously slumped his shoulders a bit.
“You still haven’t answered my question. Who were those kids you were pushing?” Slughorn waved his hand dismissively as if it didn’t matter.
“First years, orphans I’m afraid.” He declared, not having to pretend anything since it wasn’t a lie.
“How…unfortunate.” His tone seemed indifferent but he meant it. He really did. “But why are you here to herd them around? Shouldn’t that oaf be doing it?” Old habits die hard.
“I went to the orphanage to hand them their acceptance letters and after an afternoon I think they would make excellent Slytherins. So I thought I would bring them here myself, from one old Slytherin to the next.” Lucius was about to respond but he could hear his son calling out for him outside.
“I’m afraid I must go. I will see you soon, I hope.” Slughorn snorted in response.
“You know where to find me; just don’t pester me too much….” There was a very brief sparkle in his eyes. “I’m not Severus, after all.” Lucius became stiff and merely nodded at the mention of his deceased friend. So he turned on his heel and walked out, not giving his former teacher another word or glance.
“Who was that man?” And for the second time that day he mentally swore that his students would be the death of him. They were standing right behind him and he turned to face them, Alina in particular, who had asked and startled him. He bent down till he was face to face with her pretty blue eye.
“Never sneak up behind someone like that.” Alina shrugged but looked a bit smug.
“I didn’t do anything sir, you should have been more vigilant.” Slughorn took a deep breath, a very deep breath and stood up straight “It’s still very rude and if we had been in school you would have points taken away.” Alina bowed her head a bit, speaking softly.”
“I know sir, I’m sorry.”
“Quite alright, my dear. As long as you remember your manners.” Giving her a friendly wink he nudged his head for them to follow out and unto the less crowded streets. After lunch and a quick dessert at Fortescues, Slughorn continued to escort them around, leading them to Ollivanders. Damion sensed something in the air. He sniffed lightly and it hit him a bit stronger, something familiar yet not at the same time. He looked around, trying to keep up. Coming up ahead of him was a boy who looked the same age that he was only he had messy turquoise hair. The boy was accompanied by an older lady who Damion heard Slughorn address as Andromeda. When the two boys crossed paths it seemed as if time slowed down for a moment. They made eye contact and both boys seemed to be put off by the other. Charlotte sensed something in the strange boy too but it felt different for her. She didn’t have time to contemplate it as her brother pulled her along into the old wand shop.
“Wait out here for me, I won’t take long. Don’t go wandering off.” With that warning Slughorn walked into the shop to have a few words with Ollivander.
“Why do you suppose he went in first?” Sabrina asked, pressing her face against the glass to get a closer look.
“We are a bit of a large group, maybe he just wanted to see If he had time for us” Charlotte said, rocking back and forth on her toes.
“Brina, keep a look out for me. I’m going to go into this store.” Anya was just about to start walking when Alina pulled her back.
“Oh no you don’t! You heard him, he said stay put.” Anya pulled her hand back, scowling a bit.
“It’s only going to be for a moment-”
“You weren’t planning on running off, were you Miss Milena?” Slughorn had just opened the door, having placed a charm so he could hear what they were talking from inside the shop.
“N-no sir…Absolutely not, sir.” She apologized and followed the others inside the shop. At first glance it didn’t seem much, but once they got a good look into all the way in the back they found the shop more and more enchanting. From under the counter appeared Mr. Ollivander with 6 dusty boxes.
“Now don’t doddle come here and try them…slowly!” He added that last word when they rushed to him. Ollivander was able to get a good look at them and thanks to Slughorn’s little warning; he could also come up with a selection for each of them that would save time. Each of the children picked up their wand and gave it a little swish at Ollivander’s command.
It had worked…for the most part. After Charlotte and Damion had wrecked half of the store, a simple exchange between them fixed up the problem. Anya’s wand was a successful match the first try; Hawthorn, 11 inches with a Veela hair core. After smashing the windows and topping over a few tables, Alina was able to find a lovely Oak that was 6 inches with a dragon heartstring that she immediately treated with great care instead of waving it around like most children do. Sabrina picked up her 10 inch Birch wand with a unicorn hair core, which prompted a giggle from her friends, but turning Lucinda’s hair pink fixed that.
“Why I ought to...” She reached into the box that had been set in front of her without thinking and turned Sabrina’s hair red. Sabrina was horrified.
“Change it back now!” Before anyone knew it both girls were in a sort mini duel as Ollivander registered Lucinda’s wand; Elm, 10 inched with a dragon heartstring.
“Girls settle down this instant!” Slughorn waved his wand to undo the damage. “Your wands are not for playing and you will not use them willy nilly do I make myself clear?” Once again they obeyed without any argument or sassy back talk. Once they were out of the store, the sun was starting to set.
“As convenient as it would be, I’m afraid I cannot allow you into the castle tonight.” They pouted. He hated when they pouted; even Damion pouted. Of course any man or boy interested in the opposite sex would love to be friends with four pretty girls but in Slughorn’s opinion there was only so much one could take. “However, we will be staying in the Leaky Cauldron and in the morning you will board the train.” Now they were relieved and a bit nervous too.
“Don’t worry you’ll do fine…” First years were so predictable, he could even imitate the hesitant shuffle first years would do before they were sorted. The same sort of shuffle they were doing now.