more or less finished for years! Finally managed to drag it out of mothballs for waywardmixes #24: OTP.
Please excuse the not-very-good covers - Lynley and Harvers deserve better, but these were actually some of my first real attempts into graphics.
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Still think that the only reason they brought back Helen was to kill her off and give Lynley some man-pain (not like the poor bloke didn't have enough fuel as it was!). I know that they were more or less following the book-storyline at that point, but honestly... even if they couldn't get Vicki Lester back (from what I understand, she was on whatever actors call maternity leave), they could at least have cast someone who could actually, y'know, act - and had slightly more chemistry with Nathaniel than a dead fish.
I don't think a show that depended on the bantering/odd-couple chemistry EVER got the couple together, until Castle. If nothing else, I'll always be grateful to the producers of that show for proving that yes, the unfolding happy-ever-after CAN be just as entertaining as the will-they-or-won't-they.
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