Major problems today - a list

Jul 18, 2009 00:48

1. I hate to have my window face the backyard of our local fitness centre. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if our flat wasn't on the first floor but like this... geez, there are some (neologism ahead) fugly people out there strolling about the face of earth. O_o

2. With my two cousins, mummy and lil' bro we had a nice StarTrek roleplay on our way to the playground. I was assigned the role of Mister Spock (mostly because I am the master of ongoing, senseless-but-at-least-intelligent-sounding talking XD) and due to my cousin's lack of knowledge concerning TOS I got greeted with the most cunning names:
- Mister Stock
- Cäptn Sock/e
and after a while we even ventured in the domain of early-tv-slash:
- Cäptn KOCK? XD

3. Massive computer problems were... massive. -..- Etrust how I hate thee! (And myself for keeping my magnetic name-sign on my laptop *headdesk*)

4. I stripped my bunch of keys of all unnecessary key chains, badges, gadgets etc. and all that remained were three keys of utmost necessity, being smaller than two inches.
This somehow set me off after a while because I know that if I was to do the same thing to my room (or my brain) I would have a well-cleaned, well functioning, neatly arranged room where everything could be found in an instant (and I myself would be well-functioning too... just like a robot, if I erased all the slash/fanfiction/movie/book/sweet/squee/-parts). Of course that wouldn't be so bad if I could accept the loss of creativity and personality it would bring on. 
Having this played out in my mind, I immediately put back my Sakura-figure-keychain (which I beheaded due to my zealousness during the process -..-) my Kirk/McCoy badge, the little Pikachu and my zodiac-sign and -poof!- I felt better. 
So, I think I will keep all this "senseless dustcatchers" (<- quoting parents and other people -..-) and somehow keep myself.
(Geez, excuse this amount of crappy sappyness but I am tired out to no end and I read a lot of badfic!sporking, so I had to keep myself sane somehow XD..... speaking of badfic!:)

5. Winnie the Pooh is raped by Edward Cullen.
 There are some things on this planet/this universe that I just don't want to no about, thank you very much. *shudders and is rocking back and forth while hugging her knees and singing nursery rhymes*

rl, star trek

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