Final Fantasy XV

May 04, 2017 00:30

I finished it.

I finished the game I had been waiting for for about seven years.

I saw the first trailer, back when they still produced it for the PS3, back when I still lived with my parents, back when I still went to schOOL JESUS CHRIST THIS HAS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME OHMYGOD.

As this is a Final Fantasy game, the ending naturally destroyed me completely and I am very emotional which is the sole reason for this overly dramatic entry because DAAAAMN it has been a long time.

I will try to write a proper review when i STOPPED CRYING AHHHH.

Why is SquareEnix like this, why do they love to  hurt us so much (I honestly thought it couldn't get worse than Final Fantasy X but booooyyy was I wrong).

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I'm going to write so much fic.


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