An AU-List but with Kpop videos, part 8

Apr 07, 2016 08:39

22. Office
Super Junior - Swing

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Again, a total no-brainer. This is super adorable and yes it is Super Junior, the band that has more drama than a whole season of Germany's Next Top Model. I think they got the office theme down pretty well, the only thing missing is someone photocopying their butt.

Thank God.

23. Vampires (and Werewolves xD)
Boyfriend - Witch

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You already know this one. When I started getting into kpop this was my favourite video because of the over the top urban fantasy style and also because eat your kimchi did the best parody-video ever of it. ("HE ANKLE TWISTED TO DEATH.").
I have two half finished fics lying around for this somewhere. The Seven Young Goats make an appearance and start killing wolves and vermin. I really want to finish this ARGH!

24. Genderswapped
Zico - You are Me, I am You

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This is just... incredibly cute. (The lyrics are somewhat cringeworthy, though, ugh Zico please). The clothes sharing, the little details in their accessories and I have a soft spot for convenience store romances anyway. I think my favourite scene is when they are both wearing the black leather jackets and the girl is taking of hers to avoid looking like her stupid favourite customer any longer - and then they are both standing there in their goddamn Schloss-Einstein-logo-shirts and looking like dorks. AWWW AWWW.

Gotta phone a garage in some minutes because of car-trouble. Wouldn't be so bad usually, but I am not at home at the moment and I feel so nervous because I am absolutely helpless in car related things (and I am also deeply afraid that the garage will tell me that I can't use the car anymore. Which would be... not surprising as it is very old and very very broken but I still need it to at least drive me back home pls DD8).


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