An AU-List but with Kpop videos, part 4

Feb 20, 2016 08:45

10. Time Travel
f(x) - Four Walls

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This being an SM video, we go all style over substance of course, but the message is pretty clear still. It has a faint horror movie quality to it as well (and a horse. SM, please) and Amber (the short haired girl) looks amazing. But theen she always does.

11. Hogwarts/Harry Potterverse - naaaah not really
I didn't really know what to do with this one. Yeah there is that one photoshoot with J-Hope from Bangtan Boys where he totally looks like Harry Potter and there is this ... thing from SHINee which is VERY VERY WEIRD, but I can't think of a whole video for any of that.
Okay, so let's go with SHINee - Lucifer because that's just a damn party song and I like it.

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12. Runaways/Homeless
BTS - I Need U - Prologue - Run

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Or as I like to call it: Kpop-Jesus' gift to humanity. It's bloody, it's tragic, it's broken, sad children in mourning (OR ARE THEY WE WILL NEER KNOW THE THEORIES ARE WILD) it's the feeling of summer burning and being bright and hurtful and I HAVE MANY MANY FEELINGS FOR THIS OKAY (the scene when they are all in the car and being cuddly and adorable and ajdhfajdf Q____Q)
It's so visually stunning as well, the entirety of RUN is one big trickster cut and I LOVE IT ALRIGHT.

kpop, memes

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