How gory/violent is Kingsman? Anything you would compare it too? I kinda wanna watch it because the character tropes and plot sound like my kind of thing (excluding the last scene), but I've heard it described as Tarantino-esque and I'm just not interested in that. :/
it reminded me a lot of "Advent Children" - great looks, almost no plot and a huge ton of exposition which ultimately has no or very little pay off.
Ouch! I think this goes on my "stream on amazon some day" list.
Also ich fand ihn schon echt ziemlich brutal. Vielleicht nicht ganz so splatter-blutig wie Tarantino, aber was die Darstellung und die, äh, Methoden angeht schon recht ähnlich. Es gab ne ganze Menge Szenen, bei denen ich weggucken musste, weil das einfach super eklig und unangenehm und übertrieben war, was sie da veranstaltet haben. (Die Lady hat Schwerter als Beine. Du kannst es dir vielleicht vorstellen, was so passiert.)
Uff, wieso gibt's da keinen Knopf für wie bei Spielen? "Gewaltdarstellung an/aus" XD Danke dir, aber ich glaube, ich werde diesen Film dann einfach Film sein lassen, weil "iiieh, Kot!".
How gory/violent is Kingsman? Anything you would compare it too? I kinda wanna watch it because the character tropes and plot sound like my kind of thing (excluding the last scene), but I've heard it described as Tarantino-esque and I'm just not interested in that. :/
it reminded me a lot of "Advent Children" - great looks, almost no plot and a huge ton of exposition which ultimately has no or very little pay off.
Ouch! I think this goes on my "stream on amazon some day" list.
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