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nessaniel August 28 2013, 21:22:11 UTC
Omg, okay!!! Q___Q *gross sobbing*

God, Mister McGregor, I'm swooning.
Here. You have to watch this and this and this (at around 8mins it's... I can't. I'm dead) and I hope you will explode into the happiest cloud of glitter ever. <333333

Pretty sure you have seen it already, but still <33
(Am I already following you on tumblr, btw? o.O)

I'm having a mighty fangirl attack right now, wow! WE ARE ALL SO LOVELY, AREN'T WE.


asthenie_vd August 28 2013, 21:40:06 UTC
Gif! d'awww!

I own the Long Way Round DVD set. ♥ My favourite part is when he picks up the guitar and sings. Also, the horse race... and later when he dreams of Naked Obi-Wan In The Desert, because ... well, because. XD

I love him so much. All his interviews are brilliant, and yes, the kilted pictures are the best. *g*

I would hope so. I post my Hornblower gifs there and reblog contemporary paintings of Napoleon and his staff having orgies. WHO WOULD NOT WANT TO FOLLOW THAT?

Also, pictures of kitties.

(Until now I did not know you even had a tumblr? What is it called? How do I find it? Why did I not know about it before?)

Yes, yes, we are.

edt: your last link is broken?


nessaniel August 28 2013, 21:48:40 UTC

I also remember renting Long Way Round from our local video rental (wow, I'm old???) and not learning any French whatsoever for my exam in the following week. WHY DID I NOT BUY THIS. WHY DID I NOT LEARN HOW TO DRIVE A MOTORCYCLE AS I HAD INITIALLY PLANNED?
I'm not sure but it was in Long Way Round when he was so...giggly at that... Russian guy's home with all the weapons?? MY BRAIN IS A MESS RIGHT NOW, I NEED TO BUY ALL OF THIS NOW.
*runs to amazon*

currently-without is now following you! *v* And I uhh only got my tumblr very recently as I deleted my old one and never bothered to put up a new one until now? XDDD


asthenie_vd August 30 2013, 21:41:35 UTC
Yes, yes the Russian gun-nut is in LWR. I BLOODY LOVE THAT PART! :D

And Tatzelwyrm is now following you! :)


asthenie_vd August 30 2013, 21:28:15 UTC
Yes, I saw that! But, baawww, too expensive. *gross sobbing*


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