stolen from failte_aoife

May 06, 2013 22:22

Give me one fandom or more and I'll tell you the following:
  1. 5 favorite characters:
  2. 3 OTPs:
  3. Funniest character:
  4. Prettiest character:
  5. Most badass character:


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nessaniel May 7 2013, 11:10:23 UTC
5 favorite characters:
JACK, Stephen, Pullings (his movie!self was amazingly adorbs), Kilick the long suffering poor soul XD, and Diana for all her amazing wit and her bad life choices.

3 OTPs:
JACK/STEPHEN. There is nothing I ship as hard as these two.
Everybody else can go home (yes, Diana and Sophia, that includes you two. Go home and become happy together, shoo!)

Funniest character:
Jack. Hands down. No one is as perfect as he is when it comes to lifting the mood with INCREDIBLY LAME PUNS XD But I adore Stephen's pointed remarks as well.

Prettiest character:
Canon!Jack. Before the movie came out I always envisioned him as some kind of beardless Eomer...

Most badass character:
Stephen. Even tv-tropes thinks he is a badass bruiser XD

Character I’d like as my BFF:
JACK! Good Lord, I'd go drinking with him and cursing and he would adore me because I'd eat up every single one of his puns.

Character that’s ruined my life:
Jack/Stephen and their kinda doomed love affair. ;^;

Hornblower (first four books and the series though)
5 favorite characters:
Horny, although he kinda is an assclown sometimes, Bush of course, Pellew, Archie too and Major Snark (WHO NEEDS MORE SCREENTIME DAMN IT)

3 OTPs:
Hornblower/Bush (funny feeling in his breeches, my ass...), Hornblower/Archie (for the eyecandy, yammi) and Kitty/Horny (for all his awkwardness solely xD)

Funniest character:
Captain Pellew. No one gets his jokes, the poor guy. xD

Prettiest character:
tv-Horny. Hands down. XD

Most badass character:
uhh... Horny himself. I mean, he throws his compass into the ocean, he throws a grenade into the ocean and he throws himself in the line of harm at every possible moment Wait the question was "Character with the least notion of self preservation", right?

Character I’d like as my BFF:
Bush, please. He needs some picking up too, after wearing himself out worrying over stupid sexy Hornblower.

Character that’s ruined my life:
All of them, that damn band of heart-robbing-bandits

I'll forego actual other naval fiction and add Temeraire XD
5 favorite characters:
Temeraire, Laurence, Emily Roland and her awesome mom, Maximus and Berkley

3 OTPs:
Uhh... Laurence/John is tickling my fancy at the moment and a bit of Tharkay/Laurence but I'm certainly not shipping anything when there is a jealous dragon looming over me..

Funniest character:
Temeraire and Laurence himself, for he sometimes just stumbles into the weirdest shit ("Oh hey, let's get you adopted by the Chinese Emperor, that would be a great idea!"- "Wait, what? MY FATHER IS GONNA KILL ME!") Too precious for his own good.

Prettiest character:
Lien. I think a completely white dragon would be a majestic view to behold indeed.

Most badass character:
Temeraire. I love how although he is educated and wise, he simply goes fucknuts when anyone dares threatening his beloved Laurence and crew. SO GREAT.

Character I’d like as my BFF:
Laurence himself. HE NEEDS TO LOOSEN UP A BIT. Oh and Jane Roland.

Character that’s ruined my life:
Temeraire. God, there is nothing sadder than a heartbroken dragon. Q_Q


asthenie_vd May 7 2013, 16:25:27 UTC
Love your choices for Aubreyard (if not very surprising *g*)

I always envisioned him as some kind of beardless Eomer...
beard-less and ear-less Emoer surely! :D

I fear we must be mortal enemies now. Aww, it was nice talking to you. ;) *g*

But YES to Edrington not having enough screen-time (they could have just randomly have him show up in the later episodes and comment sarcastically on whatever this week's insane plot is ;) ) and people not laughing at Pellew's jokes. His little disappointed face is hilarious every time. ;)

I feel bad for forgetting to include Temeraire in my meme now. The characters are all so cute! (especially whenever the dragons get convinced their humans are the strangest creatures on earth ever ♥)

Temeraire. God, there is nothing sadder than a heartbroken dragon.
Wait till you've read Victory of Eagles. :DDD


nessaniel May 7 2013, 19:45:07 UTC
Hehehe, yes. I as O'Brian conveniently forgot about the missing ear whenever it wasn't mentioned directly. But yeah. Earless *sporfle*

I kinda want Pellew and Major Snark to meet up and snark at everyone else and be awesome together. INSTANT FIC BUTTON WHERE ARE YOU? XD

... How about I stop after Black Powder War and don't break my own heart? Buhuuu Q_Q


asthenie_vd May 9 2013, 12:09:24 UTC
I kinda want Pellew and Major Snark to meet up and snark at everyone else and be awesome together. INSTANT FIC BUTTON WHERE ARE YOU? XD

I would read/watch the shit out of that. *g*

Victory of Eagles does feature tons of Laurence/Temeraire angst though, and Admiral Roland sticking it to the future Duke of Wellington, and the beginning of Granby/Iskierka angst and hurt. Granby is such a woobie. Although, the ending filled me with murderous rage I tell you. DAMN YOU NOVIK AND THAT STUPID NAPOLEON'S DRAGON!


nessaniel May 9 2013, 13:02:04 UTC
I am at the beginning of Empire of Ivory right now and URGH! All my righteous rage that I felt at the ending of Black Powder War what with the stupid British Aerial Corps not coming to their help an mistreating poor dragons AND I WANTED TO BE REALLY ANGRY AT PEOPLE OKAY?!

And then... those devastating news... ugh. Q_Q

So anyway. I hate how this book doesn't let me hate anybody. Even Lien I can't hate because she is such an awesome villain. XD


asthenie_vd May 9 2013, 13:33:34 UTC
Oh, God, yes, those poor dragons. And I can't even tell you anything about all the tragic little fates that unfold from this one thing. Ugh!

Even Lien I can't hate because she is such an awesome villain.

Again, wait 'till Victory of Eagles. XD

I love her too, because she's so sad. She's lost everything! But being a navy fan I simply can't forgive that one thing she did. IT'S TEARING ME APART, because she went and made life better for French dragons, and she's so dignified despite the hurt, and now she's got that tender relationship with Napoleon! Ugh, why did she have to do that one thing I cannot forgive? *sniff*


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