stolen from failte_aoife

May 06, 2013 22:22

Give me one fandom or more and I'll tell you the following:
  1. 5 favorite characters:
  2. 3 OTPs:
  3. Funniest character:
  4. Prettiest character:
  5. Most badass character:


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nessaniel May 7 2013, 10:11:15 UTC

5 favorite characters:
Tony Stark (OF COURSE), Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Thor, Clint, Loki, Pepper, Darcy, Lady Sif, Jarvis, Dummy, Happy, everyone from Shield... AND OF COURSE CAPTAIN AMERICA (you were worried there, for a second, eh? XD)

3 OTPs:
Tony/Bruce (SCIENCEBROS WHATEVER YOU SAY!), although there is a sad lack of really good fanfic about it, Steve/Thor (I LIKE BIG HUNKY MEN DOING EACH OTHER, DON'T JUDGE ME) and Bruce/Tasha (I pair off everyone with Tasha she is just that great)

Funniest character:
Tony and occasionally Steve Steve xD
Oh and Bruce. He is too adorable in all his awkwardness xD

Prettiest character:
Steve Steve, hands down. And Natasha and Maria for the ladies.

Most badass character:
Coulson, for he has no superpowers

Character I’d like as my BFF:
THOR. Hands down. Feasting is cool.

Character that’s ruined my life:
Tony. Without my first Iron Man comic, I'd never have been dragged down into the emotional hell that is Avengers sometimes.

Assassin' Creed

5 favorite characters:
Oh God that's hard. Ezio, La Volpe, CONNOR, superfoxy worst dad of the year Haytham of course,

3 OTPs:
Ezio/Leonardo, Ezio/Yusuf (I adore it when it's one-sided and Yusuf has this weird fanboy-crush on him) and Connor/WITH ANYBODY I DON'T CARE JUST GIVE HIM SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT (sometimes I even ship him with the guy from prison as he is one of the only persons Connor has some sort of relationship with that is not a mentor/pupil-thingie), Desmond/Shaun since I'm aware of their huge age difference, höhöhöh)

Funniest character:
BEST GUY EVER. <33 Oh and Leo and his pranks too.

Prettiest character:
Ezio and Caterina.

Most badass character:
Caterina Sforza - even Ezio is impressed by her fighting spirit. And Ziio of course!

Character I’d like as my BFF:
Yusuf. Come on, it'd be a blast. XD

Character that’s ruined my life:
Connor actually. His daddy-issues and general attitude towards the whole assassin-thingie (aka: What am I even doing here, why do I do this, WHERE IS CHARLES LEE.) makes me sob at every occasion.



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