Question time!

Mar 06, 2013 20:15

How this works: Comment with your favourite colour and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

I got five questions from failte_aoife

1. Your favourite MLP-episodes?

Thanks for making that plural, because I have a TON of favorite episodes xD
First of all, I adore the all episodes with the big bad villains, as  I have the biggest kink for powerful Nightmare Moon... and I adore Discord and Chrysalis owns my heart.xD
Then, I really loved Bridle Gossip (due to the epic levels of awesomeness that is Fluttershy's singing voice xD) and Winter Wrap Up mostly due to the songs again.
Since Rarity is my favorite pony, I of course looooooove "Green isn't your color", not only because Rarity is in it and being her usual wonderful self but also because I adore the creative dresses Fluttershy has to wear.
Which brings me to my most favorite episode ever: "Luna Eclipsed."
Oh my God. OH. MY. GOD. This episode has everything: wonderful designs (seriously, all the costumes, the little princess-pony crying "But I wanted to be a zombie next year!") making fun of Twilights costume, Pinkie Pie as a chicken, AND OF COURSE THE WONDERFUL ROYAL CANTERLOT LUNA IN ALL HER GREATNESS AND HER BIG VOICE. <33333

Honorable mentions: "Sweet and Elite" (RARITY'S SONG <33), "It's about time" (I usually hate time travel episodes, but punkie!Twilight is adorbs xD), "Read It and Weep" (FEMALE INDIANA JONES PONY. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE THIS!)

As you can see, there are no Season 3 episodes mentioned  and up until right now I didn't even notice my lack of a favorite episode. Yes I liked the gran finale mainly because the songs were outstanding but all the other stories were just so... forgettable.  =/ I have high hopes for the upcoming season though I am not as thrilled as I was for the second one  as I am still a bit skeptical about Princess Twilight...

2. What got you into Cosplay?
Loneliness. xDDD
It sounds silly but it is true: when I was around 17 or 18 I had a really hard time fitting in even with my best friends at school: they all had boyfriends around that time, were listening to metal-music and stuff and I kinda felt just... there most of the time, accepted but not really noticed. We were really good friends but I was searching for someone to share my interests (like fangirling and watching TV series and silly movies and all that jazz) with and that's when I developed an interest for manga and anime thanks to eientei and pardotje. It was a great time, I discovered internet-friendships and when the first convention  (Animagic ^^) came round I decided to make my very first cosplay  because I knew that cosplaying people get talked to more often. And yeah, it kind of went as planned, I made some new friends (or at least some contacts) but during the making of the cosplay I discovered how much fun those great projects can be and when pardotje asked me to join their Monster High group I was super hyped . Then of course came the ponies and now I am planning the friggin' biggest female!Thor-cosplay of all the time. ;DDDD It is a great hobby and since I've learned how to sew without killing myself it's also very rewarding. ^^

3. Who would be your perfect Holmes/Watson-combination (either somebody who really played them or somebody who hasn't but who you think would be awesome)?

Vasily Livanov as Sherlock Holmes and Vitaly Solomin as Dr. Watson from the Russian tv show from the 1970ies.

I don't know why but I instantly fell in love with these two. When I watched the first episode it was as if  someone had perfectly captured everything I had imagined while reading the books and although the language barrier makes me dependent on subtitles (and the occasional "Strastwuitje!" xD) I feel a very deep connection to those two, probably because of how... emotional Livanov's Sherlock is. Conan Doyle's Sherlock has his moments of emotional uproar and turmoil as well, of course and most adaptions show those really well (even Elementary! Like... they did really really good! XDD) - but the Russian one outdoes itself at this, especially when it deals with the relationship between Watson and Sherlock. They are the bestest of friends, they love each other dearly and they would kill and die for each other - and they portray this in every moment on screen. In every single moment you can see how Sherlock loves his Watson (even when Watson doesn't trust  him and wants to box in their undies...) - he may laugh at his silliness sometimes  but he loves him dearly and he always sees eye to eye with him. Watson too is fascinated and infatuated by his friend - I mean, Reichenbach-episodes are always tear-jerkers but nothing is as gut-wrenching as watching dear Watson take Sherlock's violin and trying to play it because he misses his friend so much - and then he fails so miserably at playing and feels even more helpless and OH MY GOD I MADE MYSELF SAD I CAN'T ANYMORE THIS IS TOO PAINFUL OH MY GOD Q__________Q
So yeah. Those two. Seriously. I need to collect myself.

As for someone who should play them: TIL SCHWEIGER AND JEANETTE BIEDERMAN! XDDDDDDDDDD *headshot*
Yeah no, I can't think of anyone right now...

4. Top 3 things that annoy you in fanfiction?

Overly domestic fluffiness, when it doesn't get at least hinted at in the summary. Due to my mostly action-orientated-fandoms, my favorite characters certainly won't spend their time making moo eyes at each other -..- Yes, domestic can be done nicely but only when it doesn't take itself too seriously - I DON'T WANT TO WATCH MY SUPERHEROES CUTTING CUCUMBERS OR SHIT LIKE THAT, GOD.  Sorry. Avengers-fandom is full of domestic-fluffy-things that make me want to gauge my eyes out. (Expendables on the other hand should be domestic all the time - but only when stuff explodes every five seconds).

- Reducing the character to a single character trait to get your ship sailing.
Again, the Avengers-fandom is very prone to this (or maybe I just noticed it a lot more because I know the characters quite well and have my own headcanon xD): Tony (Iron Man) is kind of a scatterbrain but sometimes he gets reduced to just that and people seemingly can't keep in mind that Tony is in charge of a huuuuuuuuge company and a genius in physics and engineering - he is of course emotionally stunted but that doesn't mean he is an idiot. -..- Or Steve, the super soldier who got frozen in the 1940'ies and wakes up with an outdated set of morals and views - HE IS MORE THAN A BLUSHING VIRGIN GOD DAMN IT. He was a soldier in the war, he learned how to flirt when he was in the theater, HE GREW UP IN BROOKLYN DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION FOR LORD'S SAKE. Uh yeah. Sorry for the rant, I got carried away.

-Sex scenes just for the sake of sex scenes. Yes, I get PWP, yes I get porny hot stuff - but sometimes I feel that so many fanfics could be even greater or could have more of an emotional impact if they didn't have to end in the almost inevitable sex scene - especially when it is badly executed. ;D Or maybe, I am just getting old and prudish.

Honorary mention: KILLING OFF THE CANON GIRLFRIEND TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE SHIP.... OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT TATORT WAS DOING THERE, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE. Srsly, I am still so angry with this whole disaster I can't even enjoy the other not-as-fucked-up-episodes anymore. Q____Q

5. A crossover you really want to happen?

WHITECHAPEL/RIVERS OF LONDON - Srsly. It would soooooo much sense and Whitechapel COULD REALLY NEED SOME MORE WOMEN!!!! and of course some general cheering up from Peter being his usual perfect self (God, he and Chandler would hate each other's guts at first, but then they would grudgingly accept their respective awesomeness) and from Nightingale aka the only one apart from Miles who would see right through Chandler's OCD (and perhaps offer his help?) and they could solve the coolest mysteries together and Kent could geek out together with Peter!

HORNBLOWER/AUBREYAD - I mean there are sooooooo many possibilities! I want Stephen and Captain Pellew to gush about animals, while Jack tries his best to get a smile out of grumpy old Horny whereas Bush stands there consumed with raging jealousy for the rest of the evening, THIS WOULD BE LIKE A SOAP OPERA. ON SAIL SHIPS. WITH LOTS OF HOT MEN! <33333

TATORT Stuttgart/TATORT Hamburg - Cenk/Uwe/Thorsten/Basti/Victor- love- pentagon. 'nuff said. (I might or might not be writing this since 2012...)

EXPENDABLES 2/DIE HARD 5 - mostly because this guy is like the son of this guy and this guy, and the first one is like totes arch enemies with this guy who is the father of this guy and the "sons" would be totally hot and awesome together like REALLY REALLY HOT.
Sorry. The lizard brain wants what it wants. XDDDDDD


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