For all you creative minds out there

Feb 19, 2013 22:02

thanks to pardotje I stumbled upon this wonderful writing challenge


  1. Create a scenario. Write about it, describe it as much as possible.
  2. (It continues from day 1) add characters. Describe one a lot, how does he-she looks, what does he-she do, her-his hobbies.
  3. (continues from day 2) your character falls in love. Describe the situation, write about it.
  4. (continues from day 3) write a plot twist.
  5. (continues from day 4) finish your story. Put it all together and post it, write as much as you can.
  6. How often do you write / do fictions.
  7. Write a fictional story of 20 lines. It has to have 2 characters, 1 problem and it has to have a happy ending.
  8. Write a short story. It has only have to have 3 lines (do it as creative as possible)
  9. Create a fictional world and it’s characters.
  10. (continues from day 9) write a story about them, don’t make it longer than 17 lines.
  11. Write a story of 20 lines. It has to be about 5 persons with 1 problem and a sad ending.

I'm in desperate need of inspiration therefore you might expect some scribblings here and there although maybe not on consecutive days because my schedule is still crazy as hell (and I am lazy as hell... I still owe some of you an AU-idea...). Hopefully this will get my writing-mojo flowing again


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