Female Character Challenge - The ladies need our love part 4

Feb 06, 2013 15:45

Day Sixteen: Favourite mother character
Caterina Sforza - Assassins’s Creed II, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

As it is quite often the case with “Assassin’s Creed”, the historical accuracy in the portrayal of characters, politics and surroundings is stunning and can also be found in the character of Caterina Sforza.
She is elegant and sexy, flirtatious and very sure of what she wants and how to get it. Ezio meets her for the first time, when he needs a pass to enter Venezia. She demands he help her to her boat while cursing the whole journey and not letting get Ezio away with any shit. He is completely stunned by her behaviour and fascinated by how strong and capable she is.
During the mission in Forli, where Ezio has to help her recapture her city, he learns a lot more about her: Caterina is relentless in achieving her goals “(“I had my husband killed, he was a useless father, boring in bed and a pain in my ass!"), she uses her beauty and her body to get what she wants if necessary, she has no qualms about ordering Ezio around (an assassin!!). She fights like one of her soldiers, will not get pressured into giving up her city and fights like a lioness for her children. SHE IS SUPERCOOL, OKAY, AND I’D LOVE TO KNOW AS MANY CURSES AS SHE DOES!
If you want to, watch this and this: a walkthrough through the mission in Forli which encompasses all the amazing cut scenes (you can skip the gaming parts but if you want to see Caterina fight, watch them too xD). I love her because she does so much apart from being a mother only, but she still loves every single one of her daughters and sons.
Oh and did I mention that she punches Lucrezia Borgia in the face? Like with her fist on that stupid woman’s nose? God, I loved that scene. xD

Day Seventeen: Favourite warrior female character
Pass! All my darlings are warriors and seriously, Xena would be too cliché even for me. xDD

Day Eighteen: Favourite non-warrior female character
Rarity - My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Rarity is my favourite pony. She is elegant, a diva, she has tremendously good taste in everything and loves to gift her friends with the coolest clothing. She wants to be admired for her work and sometimes goes over the top but she is still the best friend a pony can have.
And although she would never pick a fight she can defend herself by the means of a lady (“A Dog and Pony Show” is a perfect example of this!)

Day Nineteen: Favourite non-human female character
Captain Amelia - Disney’s Treasure Planet

She is a feline. She wears black leather overknees. She is the motherhugging captain of a beautiful starship (THAT HAS SAILS). She looks awesome in blue. She is fierce and has a wonderful relationship with her first mate but she also is as lonely as every captain ever.
I loved how they handled her relationship with Doppler because I adore the strong female/weaker male storyline and they had some perfect hurt/comfort-moments together. <33333 It was also very cool to see the juxtaposition of Jim's loving, caring mother and the more fierce, warrior-like Amelia: both are female and feminine in their own ways and both are great role models!

Day Twenty: Favourite female antagonist
Maleficent - Disney’s Sleeping Beauty

Hands down, I love her and this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Maleficent is one of the few Disney villains without any slapstick and almost the only female villain whose ambition doesn’t come from vanity (based on good looks xD).
She always reminded me of a great diva, who uses all her power to right the insult she has received - and as far as we know from the Disney version, the reluctance to invite her to the christening of the princess stemmed from nothing but superstition (the fairy tale at least tried to come up with a lame excuse but ...not enough golden plates??? You are a king for fuck’s sake, just make one!) and seriously if you fuck with the Mistress of all Evil you deserve what it’s coming to you. Malefiz is highly intelligent and powerful, even the curse she places on Aurora could have been averted (by telling the young Aurora that touching the spindle is a bad thing, for the love of God...) while the other fairies barely manage to weaken it.
She is proud and independent and I’m pretty sure she could have gifted Aurora with a bit more self-confidence and liberal thinking, had she been invited - which would have done wonders for that boring princess.
(Oh and she put my favourite prince into chains - thanks for giving me wonderful kinks at the age of six, Maleficent. *high five* ) So yeah, let’s hope the film is going to treat her decently without making her into another musical-Elphaba (aka: softened, toned down and waaaaay too romantic).


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