stolen from sallycandance

Feb 01, 2013 12:35

Pick an AU and a fandom I write in and I'll outline for you the story I'm never going to write about it!(Or maybe I will write about it, when the mood strikes me and I will start off most fabulously until I get doubts about everything I've done so far in my life and abandon the story and it will be another failure on the long list of failures I've ( Read more... )


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Comments 49

erynwen February 1 2013, 11:49:13 UTC
James Bond Highschool AU? *duck und renn*


sallycandance February 1 2013, 14:18:34 UTC
Seconded, although it wouldn't be High School, since James Bond is British ^.~


nessaniel February 1 2013, 15:10:46 UTC
Ich schreibe mal kurz von mir selbst ab, denn ein All-Boys-School-AU mit 007 habe ich schon kurz nach dem neusten Film geplant (because of reasons called Javier Bardem), aber nun erweitert... xD ( ... )


sallycandance February 2 2013, 14:51:34 UTC
OMG der arme, Puppy!James!!! Ich hab keine Ahnung, wer Silva ist, ich hab die letzten zwei Filme nicht gesehen, und ich persoenlich finde James hatte mehr mit Miss Goodnight als mit Moneyponney (Goodnight/Bond ist mein het ship) - aber yay!, ungeschickter Porn in Schuluniformen, woohoo!


pinku_keks February 1 2013, 12:47:19 UTC
Ein Wild-West AU und mit Steve, Bruce und Tony pls :3


nessaniel October 28 2013, 15:38:10 UTC


failte_aoife February 1 2013, 13:49:11 UTC
Tatort (am liebsten Berlin, gerne auch Stuttgart oder wozu auch sonst dir was einfällt), historisches AU (Mittelalter? Römer? 19. Jhdt? Wasauchimmer XD)


nessaniel February 1 2013, 16:47:35 UTC
STUTTGART. SPÄTES 19. Jhdt ( ... )


nessaniel February 1 2013, 16:47:57 UTC
so geschehen mit Lannert in Hamburg, woraufhin er all sein Ansehen sowie Frau und Kind verlor, doch Lannert hat sich bitterlich gerächt und de Mans Lagerhäuser in Hamburg in Brand gesteckt, woraufhin der flüchten musste und nun steht er vor ihm, diesem dürren, staubbedeckten Lakaien und de Man lacht und lacht und befiehlt seinen Leuten, Lannert in der Neckar zu ersäufen ( ... )


failte_aoife February 1 2013, 16:57:45 UTC
This is so beautiful I want to cry

... )


sallycandance February 1 2013, 14:19:54 UTC
Sherlock. Lestrade AU. Lestrade is captain of a starship. Nuff said.


asthenie_vd February 1 2013, 14:27:53 UTC
Rivers of London - Magical Girl Anime! :D

Hornblower - dito!


Rivers of London - Magical Girl Anime nessaniel February 1 2013, 17:36:31 UTC
I cannot believe I actually wrote this.

This surely had to be the silliest thing I was ever forced to do, but alas it had to be done or the poor devil down there in the Thames would drown fighting against the invisible tentacle monster, not knowing what had gotten him.
“And you are absolutely sure I cannot see Godzilla’s angry mommy out there without...” I hesitated a moment, closing my eyes and fighting off the hollow feeling of utter and complete embarrassment before adding “without transforming?”
Nightinggale, flapping his enormous colorful wings so he didn’t have to land on the dirty railings I was currently standing on - I swear, even trapped in the unfortunate form of a paradise bird, he was more stiff upper lip than old Lizzy herself - gave me a most suffering look, as if I was behaving stupid on purpose (it’s impressive what that man/bird could pull off without any sclera ( ... )


Rivers of London - Magical Girl Anime pt. 2 nessaniel February 1 2013, 17:36:58 UTC
The fight was ugly. I messed up spells, because my intonation was rubbish with a mouth full of water, the tentacle monster tore of my cape (I told Nightingale that Edna Mode wouldn’t approve but he just stared blankly at me and told me that he hadn’t been responsible for the designs) and the better half of my left sleeve - which was a huge problem because although I could bend without my clothing it was harder and used up more energy (“You will have to wait for the second ring of Gods to notice your presence to master this”, Nightingale had said and I was pretty sure that grin around his beak was not a good sign). But finally, after an eternity of swallowing dirty water, I blasted the monster’s eyes with a flameball and it died, shrieking horribly while sinking down ( ... )


Re: Rivers of London - Magical Girl Anime pt. 2 asthenie_vd February 1 2013, 18:02:49 UTC
OMG. Perfect. XD

Though I wouldn't have minded Peter in skirts, sailor!scout-style, either. :D

And with Nightingale as the over-worked animal side-kick. XD

the glorious purpose with which I have been burdened.

Is he going to sprout horns and sport a green cape when he transforms once he gains new powers? *g*

“You will have to wait for the second ring of Gods to notice your presence to master this”
Of course! How would he not know this! XD


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