My shiny new obsession

Jan 06, 2012 13:05

Because I need a break from writing my term paper (writing one and a half pages is stressful!) I watched "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" while eating the delicious bento pinku made for me (rice, meat, omelett, cookies, cucumber and maybe I should have taken a picture before hand...).

God, I love that series: not only because I am all hyped up for the upcoming Avengers-movie (which I crave so much that it won't be able to fulfill my expectations at all but oh well xD) but also because it is an awesome cartoon show with decent animation and lots of snarky oneliners thrown at each other and ohhhhh it even passed the Bechdel-Test (in the first episode only mind you and we only have one female main character (Wasp) but she kicks ass!!! and I really should stop complaining about how badly women get treated in media we all know it by now jadda jadda).
Anyways, it's awesome because of how well developed the characters are: they take time out of the episoded to show how lonely Steve rogers (Captain America) is, they even give him cheesy music to create the mood and argh I just love everything!  
Tony Stark (Iron Man) is one of a kind, really. He is absolutely wonderful and snarky and I love how he always tries to justify himself because he knows what an ass he was in the past and is willing to prove to everyone how he much he changed. 
His relationship with Hank (Ant Man and yes I still have to laugh everytime I see him in his costume xD) is especially heartwarming: both of them are scientists though Tony is more of the "shoot first ask questions later and ohhh if you stole any of my tech I will vaporize you!!!1111!" type of a guy and Hank is always the therapist: "Let's talk about your childhood problems, psychotic villain of the week trying to take over the world or Manhattan, y/y?" 
It's awesome. For example:
Hank: So, Tony, if you fly in there and take out the sound vibrator it might... tingle. A lot.
Tony: Okay. *flies in* THAT'S NOT A TINGLE THAT'S HORRIBLE PAIN!!!!!
xDDDDD Oh my God I love stuff like this, really. xD 
Thor is also portrayed nicely (apart from the fact this his hair looks like golden tinsel), he is not superstupid but delightfully clueless about modern technology. I can't say that much about him because there was only one episode focussing on him so far but he is a really good character.  Bruce Banner (The Hulk) also has his moments: he is the strongest of all (at least it seems so) but also the most insecure and the Jekyll/Hide-moments when the Hulk talks with mirror!Bruce are pretty deep for a children's tv-show. 
So yeah, I will waste more time on this cartoon than on my termpaper but that's hardly a surprise. ;D

avengers, review, tv

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