Pain-in-the-ass-ting the walls

Sep 04, 2011 00:05

Since our old flatmate moved out (thank God for that. Finally. After almost six months from HELL.) pinku and I have now a spare room to our amusement and on Thursday we spontaneously decided to repaint the walls.

So we went from this

(just to show you the pink we fought against and yes that's totally my perfectly shaped head in the right corner xD)

over this

and this

and this

to this

(the colour isn't that loud anymore since it dried)

and I am awfully proud on us.
It was pinku's idea to do the stripes in that way (I had just wanted to do normal vertical stripes) and after we finished the first wall we decided to throw those on the other ones as well (I'm lacking pictures, sorry xD). Because, really, it's much more fun to paint something in a shiny color that actually covers the other colour than painting a wall white three times.
Yes, we needed to apply white colour three times due to us being to stingy to buy an expensive colour.
But believe me when I say: never again am I going to save money when dealing with wall paint. I'd much rather spend twenty bucks extra on an expensive product than painting a wall THREE TIMES ever again. Damn. So yeah, if any of you guys consider painting your walls: buy expensive products. It will save you lots of effort.

Naturally, we also needed new furniture and on Friday we ventured to Ikea, where we bought:
Oleby, our new best sofa friend:

(which shall be covered by pink blankets and shall be accompanied by small white LACK-tables).

and Expedit our lovely new cupboard.

(I totally stole all of those pictures from pinku because I am lazy like that).

Okay, so much for our most interesting re-decoration. =D


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