(no subject)

Jul 11, 2011 14:32

My Japanese exam is over. It was easier than I expected but still far from good. The "Leseverständnis-Teil" was... I don't know. Some answers I am 100% sure about and some were just:  "Wtf? The hell?! How am I supposed to know... I don't get it... well okay let's do something else... xD"
It was okay I think it might even suffice for a B but I am not too sure about it and above all I expected much more of myself. Damn you, lazy self, damn you.

I'm just in the mood to show of my ninja!Japanese!skillz, so if you care to look at some pretty kanji, have a look. =D
 This is a special set phrase that you have to write at the end of a letter if you want to cancel a date or if you have to explain why you can't follow some invitation: 
The above example shows what I was supposed to write
The green parts indicate what I actually wrote, the red parts I did either completely leave out or messep them up otherwise.

I somehow skipped the whole "ga dekimasen sekkaku sasotte" part and put "itadaitanoni" directly behind "suro koto"...
This doesn't even make sense this way, you just can't write it that way, not because it sounds uncommon but because it's completely wrong!
Argh. >.< It's just... I was occupied learning a completely different set of set phrased and somehow I managed to miss out on those. Damn self. Well, it doesn't matter, I just wanted to show you something shiny.

Here have even more shiny!

Ain't she just the cutest? She was the last one of the Monster High dolls, apparently no one wanted her so I flew to her rescue.
She is sooooo beautiful and cute and of a very fine quality! *_*
Usually I'd unpack her immediately but with the house moving looming over my head, I'll let her stay inside her cozy packing. I just don't want to risk loosing any parts.
But what about Animagic, I could have her accompany me... ohhh those problems I have...

cosplay, jammerei, fangirl, animagic, japanisch, prüfung

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