(no subject)

Jan 08, 2011 22:34

Ich hab so den allerbesten Tag gestern mit meiner Mutter verbracht, ich könnte rumrennen vor Glück. Gott, war das schön. Trotz Grippe und allem. AWWWWWWWWW.

Und weils mir so gut geht, gibts zwei Buchmemes! =D

Nummer 1: stolen from  failte_aoife , stolen from felinarian

1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
Oh, that's a hard one because I have none of my old childrenbooks around so I can't say which one would be the oldest. But my parents used to put their stuff in my room too, so I am pretty sure that one of my oldest books is "Eisherz und Edeljaspis", a Chinese lovestory between a very clever woman and a ... man (I remember nothing about him xD), quite old and quite beautiful. <3

2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
current: "Platon und Schnabeltier gehen in eine Bar..." (I think its original title is a lot funnier: "Platoon and Platypus..." xD). It's a book about philosophy. Basic concepts are explained through jokes, it's really entertaining.
last: I have no idea, really. o.o
next: Maybe "Nippon Connection", bcause I crave for some crime&sex. XD

3. What book did everyone like and you hated?
Hmmm... maybe "The Silmarillion". Lots of my old classmates tried reading Lotr during the time of the movies and some even read The Sil, but nobody liked it. xD I...well, I am not that fond of it, but it's good for learning completely useless and nerdy stuff. =D

4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
"Das Glasperlenspiel II" by Hermann Hesse. I almost didn't make it alive through the first one and although the second volume seemed to be a lot better and more interesting, I still can't bring myself to read it. It's Hesse. It's about mathematics and philosophy. I don't like it. xD

5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”
Uh... I am still pretty young, so I'll come back to that question when I am 65, ok? xD

6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
I've never read the last page first, if I remember correctly. It doesn't make much sense since the author might mention protagonists that I have not yet met, so... I wait till the end.

7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
Since Walter Moers, I do pay attention to them. Why? Well one of his acknowledgements read the following: " Du kannst mir mal die Schere spülen” ist einer der gebräuchlichsten und zugleich drastischsten Kraftausdrücke von Zamonien. Die in den atlantischen Fellkämmereien beschäftigten Scherenspüler (sie waren damit beschäftigt, die läuseverseuchten Yetihaare aus Kämmen und Scheren zu spülen) galten lange Zeit als der niedrigste Berufsstand Zamoniens. Jemanden als “Scherenspüler” zu bezeichnen oder ihn aufzufordern, einem die Schere zu spülen, war eine grobe Beleidigung." Lovely, isn't it. XD (Walter Moers, Ensel und Krete)

8. Which book character would you switch places with?
Most of my books are about crimes, wars, murderers, dramas... no thank you, I'll stay here where it is warm and cozy. o.o

9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Lots of actually. During childhood my parents and grandparents often gave me books for Christmas so most of my books remind me of that time of the year. How shmoopy. XD

10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
... How embarassing: That one would be "Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs. Bilder vom Film", a small photo-book about the third LotR-Movie. I searched for date of release and left school during lunchtime (which was forbidden because I wasn't sixteen), in order to buy it. I almost got caught by a teacher but ... oh well, looking at the pictures made me forget about everything. Sweet fangirly bliss. <3

11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
Uff. I don't think so. I don't make a habit of giving books as a present because I wouldn't want the person in question to be disappointed, if I didn't manage to buy something that fits his/her taste. Well, I once crafted a book for a friend with lots of pictures and stuff, does that count? XD

12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
I don't think there is one. I do take books on holidays but I don't think there was one I took with me to more then one place.
I just keep failte_aoife 's answer on this one. ;-)

13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
I am nowhere near those "ten years later" but we once read "Holes" in my eight-grade-English-class, which I found really boring. But after watching the movie I think it's quite funny and a nice book for children (I already was too old when I had to read it, so that's why I didn't enjoy it, I think...)

14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
Haha, I like this one. xD I once borrowed a book from our library ("Die Kameliendame") and forgot a half-torn scribbled on slip in it. Two years later, I borrowed the book again and found exactly this slip in it. XD

15. Used or brand new?
I don't care. If I like a book, I buy it, no matter what it looks like. Usually I search for special versions only when there are pictures in it or something like that.

16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
He is amazing, I think. Writing something scary is so much harder than scaring somebody through pictures in movies, comics and so on and he is a genius on that field.

17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
In some(!) aspects: Lord of the Rings. The books are great and fascinating and everything but ... thrilling? Well, not always, therefore I enjoyed the movies much more (but that may have been due to my age... being 10 years old was too young to enjoy reading LotR...)

18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
"Daywatch" (Wächter des Tages by Sergei Lukianenko). Although I liked its trashy look, it's one of the worst adaptions of a book ever. It doesn't pay nearly enough attention to the story or the characters, it mixes up different storylines from the first and third book although it is the second one of a trilogy WITHOUT MAKING ANY SENSE and ... well. It's awful and painful to watch (although I do love Anton and Kostja. A lot. Hehehehe. <3)

19. Have you ever read a book that's made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?
My Japanese book. We always talk about "oishi keeki" (delicious cake) or how two persons meet to enjoy a meal together and if that wasn't already bad enough, our teachers are always eager to show us photos of the most amazing Japanese food. "Genki"  making you lust after grilled fish at 8o'clock in the morning. XD

20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
Almost everyone apart from my parents: my mum once suggested that I read "Die Wasser der Hügel". Boy, it was a pain in the ass! o.o And well, my dad is responsible for me reading "Das Glasperlenspiel" which was even worse. So yeah ... xD

Nummer 2: stolen from  failte_aoife
- From the biggest bookcase  you have your bookshelf, pick out one book whose author’s last name starts with each letter of your last name. If you have no books by an author whose last name starts with a particular letter, go to the next letter. If you have two of the same letter in your last name, get two separate authors, not two books by the same author take the first one you find. Bonus: If you can, pick the first book you haven’t read off your shelf, unless you’re one of those people who’s read all the books you own.

- Post the first sentence of each book, along with the author and title. Feel free to skip prefaces and such, especially if they’re by a different writer.

Faulks, Sebastian: Devil may care, a James Bond novel (he is the only one with F... amazing o.o)
- It was a wet evening in Paris. (Oh what a beginning, I can already feel the thrill of a Bond-like adventure -,.-)

Addams, Peter: Mord im Schloss
- In diesem Buch geschehen folgende Verbrechen: zwei Morde, zwei Mordversuche, zwei Einbruchdiebstähle (begangen von Polizeibeamten Ihrer Britischen Majestät), Schmuggel, Hausfriedensbruch, aktive und passive Bestechung, Irreführung der Behörden in Tateinheit mit grobem Unfug. (I just got reminded why I love this thing so much...)

Lukianenko, Sergej: Wächter der Nacht (because it is my alltime favorite by him)
- Langsam und ächzend kroch die Rolltreppe nach oben. (oh and I just found an old picture of my mum and my aunt inside... amazing xD)

Clavell, James: Noble House HongKong
- 23.45 Uhr: Er hieß Ian Dunross und steuerte seinen alten MG-Sportwagen vorsichtig um die Ecke in die Dirk's Street, die an dem Struan's Building auf der Hafenseite von Hongkong entlangführte (Schriftgröße 8, oh Gott, wie konnte ich das jemals lesen o.o)

Klein, David: Platon und Schnabeltier gehen in eine Bar
- Dieses Häppchen antiker griechischer Dialog illustriert perfekt die philosophische Idee des unendlichen Regresses, ein Konzept, das im Zusammenhang [steht] mit der Frage nach einer ersten Ursache - des Lebens, des Universums, von Zeit und Raum und vor allem, eines Schöpfers.
(hier ist dieser Happen antiken griechischen Dialoges, der Vollständigkeit halber:
Dimitri: Wenn Atlas die Welt auf seinem Rücken trägt, auf wem steht dann Atlas?
Tasso: Atlas steht auf dem Rücken einer Schildkröte.
Dimitri: Aber worauf steht die Schildkröte?
Tasso: Auf einer zweiten Schildkröte.
Dimitri: Und worauf steht diese Schildkröte?
Tasso: Mein lieber Dimitri, es sind lauter Schildkröten, bis ganz nach unten! )

book, meme, freude, familie

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