Jul 21, 2006 03:34
It'll all be alright.
It will.
I will be a better person. Any assholes who don't respect my decision or wanna be dicks...go right ahead, especially ONE CERTAIN PERSON......I thought we were best friends, but i guessed wrong.
Learning who your true friends are is priceless. What an experience.
I am sick of who I've become. And I will get away from it all eventually. And while I move on with my life and the others just sit there being the same old sour assholes. I'll look back at who i was and smile because you know what?
I got over it. And there is someone I gotta thank, 3 people I wanna tahnk for showing me that I gotta stop letting assholes get me down.
Thank you,you 3 people know who you are. In fact I bet they don't even read this. But it's still a big thank you.