Well, I actually did most of my writing before midnight today! 3000-ish words of it! I'm at 47% now! Yay. My goal was to hit 50% before surgery, so that's 3% to go tomorrow. 1642 words. About an hour and a half of writing. That sounds easy, but my mom is coming in at noon tomorrow and I know she's not going to see this as a priority. Also, it's just going to be a generally chaotic day. I don't need to *do* anything before the surgery other than stop eating at midnight. Still, I know she'll send me to bed early so I'm rested. And we'll be together from the time she arrives-- no writing will happen after I leave to pick her up. And if she has her way, I won't be doing much after the surgery either. I have to convince her that it's a priority. We'll see how things go in the hospital. I might be in so much pain that I'm keeping the morphine pump going constantly. Or I might be up to writing. It's impossible to know until I'm there and experiencing it.
Okay, enough talk about surgery-- lets talk about my novel.
Prince Kier has fallen hard for Taylor. A little too hard. Hmm... Gotta rein him in a little. Taylor is still pretty reserved about him, but she's giving in. I'm only about 1/4 of the way through my plot, but I'm nearly at the halfway point on my words. Looks like this is going to be a 100,000 word novel! And I probably won't finish it this month-- probably not this year!
23358 / 50000 words. 47% done!
Let's see what they did today, shall we?
Taylor paused, surprised at the vividness of memories she was experiencing. Memories she had never dreamed about. She wasn't sure where they came from, but as she searched her mind, she realized that she was slowly gaining access to the full memory of Princess Taylor: the princess that didn't even exist until she had created her four weeks ago as a class assignment.