
Jul 28, 2007 16:52

This is a one-sided clip obviously (just like any anti/pro-anything videos are) and I don't take it seriously. Terrorism is wrong and will always be. But I didn't know American troops make it a policy to allow destruction of places of worship in Iraq? And do I hear calls of "please don't associated a few Americans with the rest"? Yeah. That's what I keep saying whenever some extremist "Muslim" bozo blows shit up. Please don't associate a few Muslims with the rest of the lot. Merci.

Ah well. Views of opposing sides are always interesting. If one chooses to firmly believe in "my side is better and more righteous than yours" sort of mentality, then I'm inclined to feel sorry for them. *shrugs*

In other news, how come I didn't know that the body of Ramses/ Pharaoh from Moses's time was already found in the 70s? With a discovery like that, one would have thought that it would be a subject of greater interest amongst the masses.

Or perhaps it's nothing but historical BS to most. Anywho, Shiek Yusuf Estes (my fave Texan preacher) talks about it a little more. Anywho, hoax or no hoax, that's a damn near perfect looking corpse. Considering that they took it out of the bloody Red Sea, the fact that it's still preserved to such an extent is indeed quite interesting.
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