- Im really bored
- Its too early
- This summer has been a total bust, with the exception of a few things
- I miss my old friends more then anything
- I love my new friends even more!
- I wish i could go back in time and change how i lived my life this year.
- I made new friends already this summer! *ahem* you know who you are!
- I have two dogs
- I have two cats!
- I havent even been to wonderland yet this summer
- I doubt im going anywhere at ALL this summer
- I dont have a job
- I dont want a job
- I N-E-E-D a job.
- Im always listening to music, even when im watching tv.
- The only shows I watch are south park, the simpsons, that 70's show, and family guy. But never on the same day.
- << My birthday is on the 18th
- Nick has the same birthday as me.
- Yesterday was awesome
- I hope today is awesomer.
- Im home alone.
- I will be all day, cause all my friends are gone. Well except nick.
- I have tons of pictures, but never too many.
- I think batman is sexaaay. hahaha.
- I have a batman lunchbox!
- The sound of ice being chews on makes me feel disgusting and sick. eew. Thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
- I always have a ton of people on my msn, but i never talk to anyone really
- I have lived in 5 different provinces.
- The fist guy i kissed was in..grade 3. haha. Catlin.
- During the summer i dont really eat.
- I NEVER get 10 or more hours of sleep.
- In my room right now i have 3 phones, two of which are cordless.
- im listening to 'something corporate' .. haha. super emo.
- I have been drinking water all morning.
- There are crackers on my desk
- I need to clean my room.
- I just learned how to do laundry this year.
- I love things that are sour!
- My dad missed more then half of my life, and spent them in other countries, provinces, towns..ect.
- I love to read, but i dont much anymore.
- I only own 6 movies, that are my own
- I still havent made my bed
- I went to bed at 1am last night
- I love the distillers
- I hate britney spears
- I hate when my mom goes away
- My house is dirty at the moment.
- Im a clean freak, in disguise.
- I used to be a vegetarian.
- I used to be a pescatarian.
- Im just a normal eater now.
- I have a webcam, but rarely use it with other people
- i used to have over 400 pictures of myself on my computer :|
- The one person i really like, likes someone else.
- I wish i could move away, but only for a bit.
- I have been living here for 5 years next month.
- Since i moved here i've gone out with 8 guys, but only kissed 4 of them :P
- Im still a virgin
- I have friends who aren't
- I can fake being happy, very well.
- I have gone from seriously depressed to almost happy in the past 2 or 3 months
- I was depressed over a guy
- Im stil friends with him
- It hurts, alot.
- I've created memories of the pain he caused unintentionally, that might never disappear,
- I think scars, tell a story, and on some people, are kind of sexy.
- Guys with longish dark/black hair and liprings are...uh..the ultimate in fucking hotness.
- I have had my live journal since february.
- I have almost 200 entries :|
- I write in my livejournal almost everyday
- I have painted my room almost once a year since i've moved here.
- my room has been pink, orange, purple, tuqiouse, and red.
- i own more then 20 happy meal boxes, gifts from my sister of course.
- I have two pairs of converse.
- My favorite colours are red, black, pink and orange (only some shades)
- I hate my bedroom, but its my sanctuary.
- my favorite movies are finding nemo, the nightmare before christmas, a little princess, sixteen candles, the breakfast club, DONNIE DARKO, blah. theres so many.
- I dont really drink pop, its gross.
- One of my best and worst memories was at Sams Birthday Party.
- I want to visit, or move to austrailia.
- Im allergic to cats
- The little things are 100,000,000 times more special then bigger things.
- I haven't cheated on anyone.
- I haven't broken any hearts.
- I have only kissed a guy i wasnt going out with once. And he was drunk. (blah. dont ask)
- I wish i could change who i am, sometimes.
- my brother is moving out soon
- I dont want to live here alone with my mom.
- Im afraid of spiders.
- In the past two weeks i have hung out with more guys then girls.
- I can't wait till grade 10.
- I almost failed math.
- I get my report card today.
- I hope i got higher then an 85% in english.
- I want to be a journalist when i grow up.
- I wish i was in love.
- Im afriad of getting hurt.
- I used to wear a tie.
- i wish i had so many more things in life. emotional, physical, and material.
Ladies and gents. you now know roughly 100 things about me. And i hope your happy now :) Cause im capitain cool, and you all know you wish you knew me more.
<3 Nessa.