Hi, lj I've missed you! *HUGS*
So many things,so many emotions.I'm an aunt!Who would imagine that.It's been a month that our lives changed forever.Her name is Valentina.
After 28 hours of labor,this special baby was born.She needs a lot of care,but every day is a victory.
Later,when I was home,I curled up under my blanket.YES,I was in shock.Really.
Only now I'm updating my readings.Oh so many good stories to read.I didn't know LJ was being so problematic.
And I'm having lots and lots of fun on Tumblr.Besides fandom over there being a bitch sometimes,it's really good.
Babies,babies and more babies.What's my life now?Even when I (can) sleep,I dream of babies.GOD!!!
Baby TINA.