May 07, 2004 19:07


I have had a good day, my cold is getting better, so i'm happy again!

I got called into the Heads office this morning, and the first thought that went through my head was Shit what have a done... but when i got there, there were other people, yeah. It was only to do with him looking at our history books and he wanted to know how we found history and if our teachers were teaching it right or not! So it was all good and i enjoyed it.

But then i had to go and do my SC 1 c/w exeriment on Osmosis, which wasn't so good as i have a crap teacher and she really gets on my nerves!

I had PE yesterday, which was good as i got to do Tennis although the people i was playing with had no co-ordination so i was having to run around all all over the place, which wasn't good for my knee... which i bust!

After school i had to have my Tetnus injection, which hurt as i hate needles and my polio which tastes very bitter, so i got t have a mint afterwards.


I woke up this morning and i stood on my leg and my knee gave in, which wasn't so good, as i had to do softball today (although i was suposed to be doing Hurdles, or the Bleep Test!) Found i can't play Softball only rounders!

My right and left arm ache today as my right arm has gone all stiff and aches from my Tetnus, and my left as my BCG has gone scabby and has puss underneath, which managed to work it's way out this afternoon!

Had to do more of my maths coursework today, Data Handling. It is good as it is quite easy and they give a bit more le-way here!

I think that is all for now, i hope everyone is ok, and is enjoying school.
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