It's Christmas! And... I'm bored.

Dec 25, 2004 11:52

Have you ever...
1. Kissed your cousin: Yeah... but in a family way.
2. Ran away: No.
3. Pictured your crush naked: No... don't think so.
4. Actually seen your crush naked: Maybe.
5. Broken someone's heart: Not that I know of.
6. Been in love: Yeah.
7. Cried when someone died: Yeah.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
9. Broken a bone: Nope.
11. Lied: Yeah.
12. Cried in school: Yep.

Which is better
13. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
15. Girls or Guys: Guys!
16. Flowers or Candy: Flowers
17. Scruffy or Clean: Clean
18. Quiet or Loud: Um... loud I guess, but not annoying.
19. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
20. Bitchy or Slutty: Neither.
21. Tall or Short: Tall
22. Shorts or Pants: pants

With the Opposite Gender
23. What do you notice first: Hair
24. Last person you slow danced with: Aj
25. Worst question asked: Um... I don't know, something cheesy probably.

The Last Time
26. Showered: This morning
27. Had sex: I don't know... a week or so ago :\ lol.
28. Had a great time with the opposite gender: When I saw Aj last, Christmas eve when we exchanged gifts I guess...

Who/what is your favorite
29. Your good luck charm: I don't have one.
30. Person you hate most: Not naming.
31. The best thing that happened to you today: I gave myself a pedicure lol... today has been pretty boring!
32. Color: Pink
33. Movie: Don't have one.
34: Book: The Notebook
35. Subject in School: PE
36. Juice: Grape or apple
37. Car: I dunno, I like SUV's though
38. Ice Cream: Pistachio or cookie dough.
39. Holiday: Christmas
40. Season: Winter or summer, not sure which I like better.
41. Breakfast Food: Hash browns
42. Place to go with your honey: Lol I don't know... anywhere?
43. Makes you laugh the most: Aj
44. Makes you smile: Aj
45. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Lol... Aj.
46. Has a crush on you: I don't know...
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Well I have a boyfriend.
48. Can he/she make you feel better no matter what?: Yes.
49. Has it easier; guys or girls: Guys!

Do you ever
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a call at night: No, but I usually carry my cell phone with me wherever I go.
51. Save AOL conversations: I have before.
52. Save Emails: I have.
53. Wish you were someone else: Sometimes
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: No
55. Cry because of someone's mean words: Yeah

56. Cologne: Not sure...
57. Perfume: Pink Sugar or Pink - Victoria's secret or Curious - Britney Spears.
58. Kiss: Anytime Aj and I kiss...
59. Romantic memory: I've never really had a romantic moment...
60. Most recent advice given to you: Things my parents said when Aj and I broke up for a night, lol.
61. Fallen for your best friend?: No
62. Made out with JUST a friend?: Yeah
63. Been rejected?: Yeah
64. Been in love?: Right now...
66. Used someone?: Yeah...
67. Been used?: Probably
68. Cheated on someone?: No
69. Been cheated on?: Not that I know of...
70. Been kissed?: Yeah
71. Done something you regret?: Probably

Who was the last person..
72. You touched?: Um, my mom...
73. You talked to?: Family
74. You hugged?: Family
75. You instant messaged?: Katie K
76. You kissed?: Family
77. You had sex with?: Duh...
78. You were yelled at by?: Dad
79. You laughed with? Family
80. Who broke your heart?: Well it was only for one night... lol
81. Who told you they loved you? Family

Do you…
82. Color your hair? Yeah
83. Have tattoos? No but I plan on getting one.
84. Have piercings? Yes... and I'm getting my nose done again.
85. Have a car? Yeah but I don't have my license so there's no point yet.
86. Own a webcam? No
87. Own a thong? Yeah
88. Ever get off the damn computer? Lol... yeah but not for that long.
89. Sprechen sie deutsche? German... whatever it is... no.
90. Habla espanol? Si!
91. Quack?: lol...

Have you / do you / are you...
92. Stolen anything? Yeah
93. Smoke? Yeah
94. Schizophrenic? No
95. Obsessive? No
96. Compulsive? No
97. Obsessive compulsive? Sometimes lol
98. Panic? Sometimes
99. Anxiety? No
100. Depressed? I have been
101. Suicidal? No
102. Obsessed with hate? No...
103. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? What the hell... not at all.
104. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? NO
105. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Bachelor, snowboarding with Aj!
106. Can you do anything freakish with your body? No, I'm just pretty flexible.
107. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? Eyes, Mouth (lips,teeth)... I pretty much look at the whole face.
108. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? If she were good?
109. Would you marry for money? Not at all...
110. Have you had braces?: Yeah
111. Do you shave?: Yes
112. Do you like hairy backs?: No way
113. When was the last time you had a hickey? Never had one.
114. Could you live without a computer?: Yeah, but I wouldn't enjoy it.
115. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: Yes
116. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 161
117. If you could live in any past, where would it be?: I wouldn't want to live in the past.
118. Do you wear white socks?: Yes
119. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: Both
120. Your favorite fruit?: Pineapple
121. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: Both
122. What is your favorite place to visit?: Our yearly trip to Bend/Bachelor is always fun.
123. What is the last movie you saw?: Napoleon Dynamite
124. Do you kiss on the first date?: No, I guess not?
125. Are you photogenic?: Sometimes, but I usually don't like to see myself in pictures.
126. Do you dream in color or black and white?: Color... I think?
127. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: On my toes, I just painted them actually... and I don't really like it lol.
128. Is it chipped or fresh?: Fresh
129. Do you have any dimples? No
130. Do you remember being born?: Um, no.
131. Why do you take surveys?: Because I get really bored.
132. Do you drink alcohol?: Occasionally...
133. Did you like or do you like high school?: It's fun but I haaaate the school work and drama that comes along with it.
134. What is the best accent? British
136. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets I guess.
137. Do you want to live to be 100?: If I'm healthy and not miserable.
139. Are you loyal?: I'd say so.
140. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: Yeah
141. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off
144. Do you like your nose?: Not really
145. Do you think you can draw well?: Not really lol
146. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? Um sometime in elementry school probably like 1st or 2nd grade?
147. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: I don't know
148. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? Variety
149. Do you write poetry?: Used to, not anymore...
150. Snore?: Nope
151. Do you sleep more on your back?: I dunno
152. dog/cat?: Dog, I hate cats.
153. Do you lick stamps?: We don't have licky stamps.
154. Do you use an electric can opener?: No
155. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: No, that'd be scary, but fun.
156. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Definately emotional.
157. Favorite TV show?: Laguna Beach
158. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: No
160. Are you a sex addict?: No
161. Do you know someone who has cancer?: Yeah
162. Do you like to argue?: No
163. Do you hunt?: No, I don't like hunting.
164. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: Both
165. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Zoo
166. Do you have a middle name? What is it?: yes, Marie... along with like every other girl.
167. Are you basically a happy person?: Pretty much, I have my moments of course when I'm not happy though.
168. Are you tired?: Yeah I'm going to take a nap when I'm done.
169. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: No
170. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: Yeah
171. How many phones do you have in your house?: 11 including 5 cell phones.
172. How long is your hair?: A little past my shoulders.
173. Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes, I fight more with my dad though.
175. Like your name?: Not really. Like no one else has it.
176. Were you named after anyone?: No
177. Do you wish on stars?: When I was younger.
178. Which finger is your favorite?: Lol, um I guess pinkies.
179. When did you last cry?: Day before yesterday.
181. Do you like your handwriting?: No
182. Who do you admire: I dunno
183. What is the #1 priority in your life?: I dunno... dance team, boyfriend, friends and family are all about the same.
184. What is your favorite lunchmeat?: Sick, I hate lunchmeat.
186. What is your most embarrassing CD?: I'm not embarrassed of my CD's but I guess Lion King.
187. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?: Yeah
188. Are you a daredevil?: Not really
189. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: Yeah, shitty of me.
191. Do looks matter?: Yeah... but personality matters more, if they have a good personality their looks become waaay better.
192. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: Lol yeah probably.
193. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Haha, used to.
194. Do fish have feelings?: Yeah, I'd say so.
195. Are you trendy?: Sure
196. How do you release anger?: Cry usually and yell.
197. Where is your second home?: I dunno, I usually always have people over here.
198. Do you trust others easily?: Kinda.
199. What was your favorite toy as a child?: My big toy Jeep that I could drive.
200. What class in school do you think is useless?: Biology.
201. Do you like sappy love songs?: Yes lol.
202. Have you ever been on radio or television?: Both
203. Do you have a journal? Yeah.
204. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Kinda.
205. Have you ever been in another country? Yeah
206. What do you look for in a guy/girl?: Can laugh easily, make me laugh, fun to be around, looks, taller than I am, good sense of style, loyal, and I can totaly be myself around them.
207. What is your nickname?: Ness, Nessa, Nessy, Nessypoo, Nesser, Sis.
208. Would you bungee jump? Yeah but someone would have to like push me off.
209. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: No
210. What are you worried about right now?: Nothin.
211. Do you ever wear overalls? Lol not anymore
212. Do you think you are strong?: Physically?: Not really Emotionally?: Not really
213. What's your mom's job?: Sales rep for a clothing company.
214. What's your dad's job?: In charge of the bridge crew for Portland I think.
215. What's your least favorite thing in the world?: Concited or hypocrites.
216. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: None.
219. What would you change about yourself?: Be more outgoing, and be myself around everyone.
220. Who is most likely to respond to this first? I don't know.
221. Who are the people you care most about?: Family, Boyfriend, all of my friends.
222. I see: My computer and everything on it?
223. I need: To take a nap, now!
224. I find: I have a cold because I keep sneezing.
225. I want: To go to Bachelor nowwww.
226. I have: To clean my room.
227. I wish: I could go to the mall and blow all my christmas money!
228. I love: My boyfriend and friends.
229. I hate: Being sick.
230. I miss: My dog, I haven't seen him all morning! lol.
231. I fear: Spiders!! Ah!
232. I feel: Sick and tired.
233. I hear: My brothers electronic shaver.
234. I smell: My mom's roast for dinner.
235. I wonder: Why I filled this whole thing out!
236. I regret: Nothing right now that I can think of.
237. What will you do now?: Take a freakin nap and get off this computer!
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