playing with the table codes

Jan 04, 2007 20:48

It's a start on posting the profiles for the characters in my Servants Stories Univers.

I'd welcome sujgestions on making it look better.

Servants and Vampire Profiles


F Servant
14 years old at time of
first story She was the first human found to be unchangeable. The servants are her decedents. Servant to Christopher

Christopher Hillock
Born 1200’s
Turned at 25
He was the first vamp to find an unchangeable human. In the 14th cent.
Same Sire as Jacob
Dark hair, brown eyes

Maggei: Margerte Mary Smith

born 2/1/ 949

She and Jacob are the main vamps to search out and find more unchangeable humans to make into servants.
Josephs Sire latter in 1750ish
Twentieth century Belgian astronomer Jean Meeus asserts that the orbits of all nine planets were within the same 90% arc of the solar system on 1 February, 949. The next time it is thought this will occur is on 6 May, 2492.

Joseph Masterson

Looks 30ish
Blond/brown hair. Brown eyes
Very easy going for a vamp, still considers him self far superior, he just doesn’t rub it in all the time. Sired by Maggie in 1754 born 1727

Raymond Murry

White hair, skin, very pail blue eyes with cat slit pupils. med height but skinny
Servant to Joseph
Real name Raymond Miller. Dubbed her “little ray of Sunshine” by Emily at the vamp nursery, he soon is called simply Shine
Born 1978
Starts as Joseph’s servant at 18 in
Meets Kat at 22. in 2000

half bro 2yrs older
half sis 8yrs younger
daughter born in June 2006

Chris Evans

Pail skin black hair to the middle of his back, blue eyes. Thin and Graceful like his namesake
Friend & lifemate to Shine, unofficial servant to Joseph
Born 1975
Meets Shine 2000
Bound to Joseph 2002

the blood servant's stories

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