Jan 03, 2005 00:18
so today has been a sorda go-go kinda day. i never really got to stop and take a break but eh' im not complaining.
lets start with new years eve.
i woke up at about 2ish (as usual). got dressed and my sister and i decided to go ride bikes at the park. at first we had to get use to riding since its been so long, and once we finally got the hang of it we raced. well it turns out we are totally out of shape and when we got home we both collapsed on the floor (both claiming to be having heart attacks)<--BS.
later on my parents tell us that we're going to my uncles house in converse tx. i wasen't happy since i asked Philip if he wanted to go downtown the night before..totally sucks eh!?!? so it turns out that we were leaving right that second, and my phone does not work when were "roaming" wtf is that about!? so i felt like shit since i could even call him to say that i wasen't gonna be able to go. (and im sooo sorry for that) :(
so about an hour or so later we get to my uncles, my little cousins went crazy when we walked in. lol, which made me feel better. my uncle has this huge screen thingy that he set up and my cousin wanted to watch this barbie movie, when we did finally start watching it they both came and sat next to me.
the night got a little better when they decided to do some fireworks. scary, but fun. all in all a pretty good night.
we stayed there till about 4 and an hr passed so we got home at 5. sleepy time!
next morning woke up at 5? not feeling so great i dunno its like something is wrong with my stomach? its been burning alot.
hurt till this morning, so i guess you could say that i've been sleeping alot so i don't have to avoid the pain.
today, we all woke up and went to 9:30 mass at church. super duper tired! after that we went to my grandparents house to visit and ended up staying there till 4? my dad and i watched spiderman2 and may i say that is a really cool movie (not as cool as the matrix but hey *thumbs up*)
then Ayla and Paloma called me to tell me to go over for Paloma's for her birthday. i asked the rents and off i went. it was a bunch of fun! Ayla is sooo funny and she has the greatest stories ever! lmfao! saw some cool kids + kids i haven't seen in forever (Andy, and semi-forever..Ezikel)
well tomorrows monday (ugh!!) how i dread the thought of going back to school..*sigh* i know im not gonna be able to wake up. grr!
well happy new year kidos.