a little rant

Dec 10, 2006 20:16

why is it that gay people are descriminated against! Guys and girls kissing can be in a film rated PG right? but if two men kiss they have to rate the film 15... now why is that. People have the right to have their own sexual preferance and they should not be descriminated against. now men seem to find lesbians atractive yet they think homosexual guys are just plain weird. This is again screwed up... i mean they are just being hypocrytical right?

now im generally a very mellow person but if there is one thing that pisses me off its intolerance, especially people who are homophobic. Now im not saying im homosexual or straight but i feel NOBODY is truly one of these things. everyone has a part of them that is a diffent sexual tendancy to the other parts of them. I feel that everyone should be treated fairly no matter what their sexual tendancy

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