Mar 07, 2009 23:15
One month until I visit Chris in England! One month! Woot!!!
I don't really know how to come off I guess I'll just write about other things. Work has I'm still looking into other positions (as usual) and my dad apparently contacted his co-worker about potentially getting contact info for his daughter who works for Epic. Despite my attitude toward them lately, having an inside contact couldn't hurt. The city of Madison should be contacting me this week some time with results from my tests, and potentially interview details. I'm also going to apply to a state of Wisconsin job tomorrow, though I'm not sure I'm completely qualified. But, hey. Whatever I can do. In the meantime I'm working semi-normal hours and picking up a few extra hours here and there (usually closing) just to even things out. I'm working in Rockford again this Friday, so I suppose I should try and remember to bring my uniform home the night before this's a pain when I forget (which I have the past two times I've worked there).
I'm pretty far in my book, hence the title. It's an interesting novel by Haruki Murakami, pretty much been throwing me for a loop each time I try and read a chapter or two. I've recently gotten to a point where I want to read continuously, so I'm going with it. Next up is Terry Brook's The Sword of Shannara courtesy of Victoria. I'm excited for that one!
Went and saw the midnight release of Watchmen with Victoria, Shelly, Josh and all of their nerd-friends. I hate to call them as a group like that, but that's really how we know who we're talking about. They're the Nerds, I suppose they should be proud. ;) Watchmen was incredible, at least as far as I can tell. I just bought the comic yesterday before work (along with a few other historical fiction novels and the Neverwhere graphic novel!!), so I'm hoping to get into that soon so I can compare. Josh and Bill claim that as the movie goes on, the likeness to the comic goes downhill, but not that it makes it any less entertaining. We'll have to see.
World of Warcraft has basically consumed my life the past couple of weeks. I've been working on Marenne, my night elf hunter, who's now level 39. Yanara, a new character of mine (gnome warlock) is just now level 14, and I also started a draenai shaman (who I love!) who just got to level 12 today. Pretty exciting! I'm most excited about using the Auction House, since I've never really done this before. It's pretty easy to make some quick money that way, and I've been doing it a lot with jewelcrafting stuff Marenne's been creating, then sharing some of the money with the others, so hopefully I should have enough to get mounts/learn riding when they both hit level 30. Yay! Yes, I am a nerd. No, I do not care. Hrmph.
Found some excellent new music recently: Eric Hutchinson, Justin Nozuka and James Morrison. All pretty much softer coffeehouse kinda stuff, though Eric Hutchinson is a little more upbeat and happy. He's also an excellent musician, so he's been a pleasure to listen to. I'm not sure if James Morrison plays his own music, I'll have to check this out.
Also, Lost. GAH. This show is incredible. It's had me surprised with nearly episode this season, so awesome! Can't wait to purchase season 5 on DVD so I can watch the extras! I actually sort of enjoy the recent love quadrangle created, I can't wait to see how it unfolds!
Exercise regimen beginning again, along with eating healthier. Today I did really well, and I'm off to exercise now, read some more then go to bed in prep for work tomorrow. This week at work should be much better since I don't work until 10 tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday and then don't close except for Wednesday (I also don't start until noon this day). Thursday I'm planning on visiting Chris's mom to get keys for the house to take care of Goldie (their cat) at the end of the month while they're visiting Chris, then Friday is Rockford, so I'll be home by 5:30 or so at the latest. I think Friday night Rodney is having a late birthday party (he's gonna be 30!), so we'll probably all go out for that and get ridiculously drunk. I hope I can top my birthday, though at the same time, I also hope I don't. Hrmph. I'll probably just hang out with everyone for a bit then make my way home safely.
Things to do in the (very) near future:
-Put together packing list for England
-Finalize travel plan initiative (aka, discuss day plans)
-Put my clock forward for tonight! Shit! I totally forgot about this!
Alright, so now I just realized it's far too late for me to be I'll cut my list short for now. Exercise a go-go!