Dec 13, 2005 01:02
By Woodruff Laputka
The hill is known to the few of the wooded area of ebony bay as a cursed place, though even fewer are those who know why. It is said the men who founded the town of Ebony Bay buried something horrible there, that wreaked havoc on the early settlers, as well as neighboring farms and fisherman. There is no document to its appearance, only its actions. Nor is there any actual date of this burial. Yet, it is documented in a tattered journal, the happenings of that day, though the front page has been torn from its bindings.
“…So, indeed, Ms. Habersmith had seen it. It came knocking on her shutters and walls. The dogs were barking, and it silenced them. She only had her pistol, and fired many times at the passing shadows in the porch windows. She explained that it acted more than appeared, which we found to be terribly odd. She says, “From under the hill did that viscous thing come. It bubbled and folded all impossible ways, turning day to thick night and the night ever darker than light could ever break…” The boys and I are setting up to hunt it down in the woods around the hill, with Jason Davis’s dogs and my sharp shooter.”
This is the only written account of the thing that is not spoken of by the ignorant folks of Ebony Bay. And those few who know don’t venture into the woods, to the terrible hill where the atrocity lay.